♦️Chapter 9♦️

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On the way of going to his room, he thought to himself about what he was going to do now. He was parentless, probably a stray now.

Sure it has its benefits but there are also disadvantages. And school? He is currently living with Mark Lee. Mark Lee! The guy who hates his guts! 

Donghyuck stopped in his tracks, letting it sink in how his life is right now screwed.

The good news is he hasn't met Mark yet and it's a good thing he hasn't. Imagine how that would be if he did. 

Would Mark leave him alone? Would he beat the shit out of him like he always did?

Oh well, it wasn't his problem at that moment. All he wanted to do was go to his room and cry like the sad loner he felt like.

As soon as he flopped onto his bed, he turned his body, looking at the ceiling above him.

 He felt as his eyes started to tear up instantly, no matter how much he tried to no imagine what happened.

God, he had to think about it! His mother's tongue had been chopped off and she was choking on her own blood. 

His father had bullet holes all over his body. The bullet holes were able to see right through his torso. 

His house had every door a hole smashed onto. The splinters of wood scattered across the floor. 

Donghyuck hugged his pillow unable to get the images out of his mind. He screamed internally not knowing what his feelings should be.

If happiness is what he should feel. If sadness is what he should feel. If he should be angry or worried that he could be next. 

"What is wrong with me." Donghyuck cried into his pillow soaking his tears. He crawled into a ball and covered himself in his bedsheets letting the melancholy feeling suffocate his thoughts.

"Hyuck? You okay?" Taeyong softly said, entering his room. He saw how Donghyuck was crawled in a ball, the sheet over him.

"Oh, Hyuck." Taeyong sat next to him stroking the shivering boy's fluffy and soft hair. 

"H-Hyung... *hiccup*... w-why did this happen to me." Donghyuck sniffled turning his head to Taeyong. The elder says the puffed, red eyes of the younger, instantly wanting to cry. 

"I'm sorry Hyuck. I know this must be very hard on you. I've been there before." Taeyong sheepishly rubbed his neck.

"My parents were murdered when I was your age, it took a toll on me and my brother." Taeyong sighed. 

"You have a brother?" Donghyuck questioned causing Taeyong to laugh a little.

"Yes, I do. I found out about him after the incident. I didn't know if I should call him my brother at that point. He lived in Canada for the majority of his life with my dad so when he came to Korea it was different to adjust with him."

"Do you miss your parents?" Taeyong paused thinking about his parents. 

"My mother loved me a lot, she was an angel but my father was like the devil." He shivered at the thought.

Donghyuck sat up properly and wiped the dried tear stains on his face and sniffed his nose a bit before getting comfy and looking at Taeyong, a pout on his face.

Taeyong softened at the sight of the younger. He widened his arms for the younger to hug into. 

"Come here Hyuck." Taeyong tenderly said, watching as the younger slowly crawled to him.

When Donghyuck hugged the elder, he felt most of his worries disappear the longer he clung on.  It was like the whole world was lifted from his shoulders.

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