Naomi's Prologue

232 11 19

The Start of a New Beginning
May 15th, 2019

Hitting the locks on her car, Naomi tiredly yawned and pulled her bags up on her shoulder as she slowly walked towards her apartment. Her feet were killing her and she could feel a slight migraine approaching causing her to sigh. Words can't explain how exhausted and beyond tired she was from working two jobs.

Trying to make ends meet and balance her personal life has become more than she could carry.
It was almost one-o'clock in the morning and all she wanted to do at this moment was to be able to take a peaceful shower and just go straight to sleep.

However, she knew the chances of that happening was slim to none, but a girl could dream right?

When she opened the door to her one-bedroom apartment that she shared with her boyfriend Deandre, she instantly could sense something wasn't right. The place was dark, clothes were scattered all across the living room floor, two empty wine glasses rested on the coffee table and then suddenly the sound of another woman's voice haunted her ears.

A part of her wanted to cry, but sadly this was not his first time inviting a woman over and cheating on her. The old her would have run up the stairs crying, ready to fight the next bitch for sleeping with her man, but at this point she was just numb to it all. It was clear it didn't matter how many times he would see her break down and cry, he was still going to continue to do whatever he wanted regardless of the pain he caused her, so she stopped reacting to it.

He also knew the chances of her leaving were slim to none which at a time was true. However, over years her feelings have changed and she wanted nothing more than to gather her things and start over.

What's stopping her you ask? Fear. It's a lot of things about Deandre that many people do not know about him. He has a way of playing this certain role in front of others, but Deandre has a dark side to him that many people have not seen.

Letting out a deep breath to try and control her anger, she put her things down and began cleaning up the living room thinking to herself on how and when things between them had got so bad.

She used to love Deandre more than anything in this world. At first just the thought of him brought a smile to her face, but now shit was just different. When they met at her family's barbecue when they were kids their connection was almost instant. There was a point in time that you could not have tried to convince her that he did not love her, but now she would believe it for free.

Sadly though, here they are four years later in a relationship, and it's like she doesn't even know who he is anymore. Most days it feels as if she's laying with a stranger every night, and everyday she has to face him.

During the course of their relationship Deandre has managed to instill fear within her, he manipulates her mind and tore her away from her family and friends to gain full control over her and his plan worked.

In the beginning her family and even a few friends tried to warn her, but she ignored and excused every red flag he's thrown at her and sometimes she feels as if what she is going through is all her fault. She had many opportunities to leave and walk away, but she didn't. Instead she stayed in hopes of him changing one day and becoming the man she once loved more than anything in the world.

"I never felt so alone in my life" She thought to herself.

Hearing voices coming from their bedroom, she listened in closely pressing her ear against the door. "We have to hang out more, I really enjoyed you." She heard the mysterious woman say followed by a flirtatious laugh.

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