Chapter 1

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            The bright light from the sun that peeked through the blinds, shined directly against Naomi's face causing her eyes to slowly flutter open. Turning onto her side she looked over at the empty side of the bed still getting used to someone not being there.

After her release from jail when they ruled the murder as self-defense, moving away from Detriot had to be one of the best decisions she ever made. Between the gossip, rumors and threats from Deandre's family and friends, a fresh start was needed.

Being back in Atlanta with family feels like a new fresh breath of air for Naomi, it was something she truly needed to help her grow from all that she endured within the last four years.

When she moved here she wasted no time getting herself a place to live. Her family offered her to stay with them, but she declined their offer knowing she needed something of her own. So instead they helped her find one and they lucked up on a beautiful two-bed, two-bath apartment in Overlook Ridge, a nice quiet area of the city.

Even with the help they offered and the money she saved up for herself throughout her and Dre's relationship that he never knew about, She had more than enough for a new place and to purchase her own car. It wasn't the luxury life she was accustomed to but it would do until she could get on her feet.

To say she's blessed really wouldn't capture how thankful Naomi is for the change that has happened in her life. She never thought this day would come and now that it has she couldn't be more thankful and grateful for God's mercy and grace.

The sound of her phone ringing pulled her from her thoughts, sorta startling her a little. Reaching under her pillow she grabbed her phone to see it was her childhood friend Lanay calling.

Sliding the bar over she answered. "Hello?"

"Girl I know damn well you hear me knocking at your door." Lanay playfully yelled into the phone before knocking again.

Naomi laughed as she sat up in her bed, "My bad, here I come girl."

Getting out of the bed the coldness from the hardwood floor sent a chill up her spine as she walked towards the front door letting Lanay inside.

Naomi and Lanay grew up together in Atlanta and they've been inseparable their whole lives, up until Naomi moved away. The moment she got with Dre and he moved them away, their frequent talks and texts became nonexistent. Thankfully now that Naomi is back and Dre is officially out of the picture, They were able to reconnect and pick up right where they left off as if things never changed.

If Naomi had to admit Lanay is her realest friend, she was the type of friend to always tell you the harsh truth, rather than sugar coating something to make someone feel better and that's why she loves her.

From the jump she disliked Dre and tried warning her about him, but Naomi was too in love to see what she saw in him and was willing to cut her off behind him.

As she let her in, her eyes beamed with excitement. "Wow, this is really nice Naomi!" She compliments showcasing her thick southern accent.  

"Thank you, girl. It feels so good to have something of my own that I can call mine." Naomi confessed taking a seat on her love couch.

"I bet it does, so how are you holding up since everything?" Lanay asked, sitting directly across from her on the other couch.

Lanay didn't know much about Dre's and Naomi's relationship due to their lack of communication and with Naomi deciding not to tell anybody about it, no one had a clue as to what she was going through with him. All they knew that it was clearly toxic from the details of her recently closed murder case.

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