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you let out a short sigh as your face was blessed with the cool air from thefan you were sitting in front of

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you let out a short sigh
as your face was blessed
with the cool air from the
fan you were sitting in front of.

working the weekends
wasn't the highlight of your
week but getting paid is
getting paid.

your attention was soon brought
to the door that opened as a
customer walked in, your
device buzzing.

"hi, y/n!"

the customer waved. you
were surprised to see that it
was your new friend, ichika.



you gave her a kind smile.
ichika's the team manager for
the school's volleyball club.

you were introduced to her by
oikawa, who helped you gain many
new friends these past two weeks.

"what're you doing here?"

you spoke rockily, watching as
she walked to the counter.

"i'm shopping for lunch for
the camp that's going on at the
school right now."

she spoke a bit quickly,
pausing before she reiterated.
she raised her arms, her hands
speaking unsurely.

she spoke as she signed.

"lunch.. for.. volleyball.. camp.."

she paused between her signs,
smiling as she finished.

her efforts didn't go unnoticed
as you gave her a sweet smile,
nodding in understandment.
you gave her two shining
thumbs up.

"your signing has improved
greatly, ichika-chan."

she let out a soft chuckle,
waving her hand.

"oh shucks, you flatter me hehe."

she turned around, leaving to
begin shopping for ingredients.
after a few minutes, she came
back to the counter with her

you were quick to ring them up,
placing them into a bag as you
pointed to the small screen that
displayed her due.

the door opened, your device buzzing.
you looked up to see your
coworker, who was working
the next shift, entering.

she swiftly paid, putting her things
away before taking hold of the
grocery bag. she paused before
she was about to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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