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I opened my eyes, looking at the paleness of my face in the mirror before me. I felt sick to my stomach and scared, that my body trembled. I refused to accept the reality of this devastating, soon to be life.

Yesterday, my father told me I'd to be married. I thought it'd be a far engagement date but it was so sudden and not only that, to someone I never thought I'd be wedded to ever. I despise him for the horrible things he has done.

The Commander of the First Order, Kylo Ren.

I questioned why?

Turns out the First Order was low on money they needed for clones, and advanced weaponry. So my father being one of the wealthiest men in the galaxy, they came to my father for a negotiation.

In the ending terms, the First Order will get a small portion of the money they asked for, and will soon get more in the long run. In return, I'd have to marry the Emperor and there will be protection amongst me and my family.

Out of all things to negotiate why did I have to get involved? My father threw my life away to a mad man who wants power. Who knows what the man could do to me? I fear for my life.

I snapped out it as I felt a sudden light weight upon my shoulders.

The maid who has taken care of me since I was young, finished putting me in my dress... my wedding dress.

"You look beautiful, Y/n." She said.

I didn't say anything but look at my reflection. This dress was not what I expected to wear on my wedding day. Everything about today was not what I expected to be. I wanted to cry, my only wedding was to be ruined and was so rushed.

"Now let's put on the final piece." The maid smiled slyly.

On the vanity be side me was a blind mask. It was mask that covered the top part of the face.

Traditional on my planet, the bride was to wear it during the wedding ceremony so no man would attempt to steal the groom's wife. This ensured the couple to live their new married life, happily.

For Nobel or Royalty they'd wear a crown or halo crown to symbolize their status. I wasn't sure what I'd be wearing but when I saw my blind mask I seen a halo crown. Symboling, I was marrying the dark emperor.

(Picture of what you're wearing)

(Picture of what you're wearing)

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When the mask and crown was on, I looked through the material and looked at myself in the mirror

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When the mask and crown was on, I looked through the material and looked at myself in the mirror.

Today, I'd be The Emperor's Bride.

When I was finished getting dressed, I was escorted out of my room to where 3 clones soldiers waited for me.

"Time to go." A clone soldier said to me.

I nodded and they walked me to outside where a black first order shuttle waited for me.

I turned my head back to my home as we approached the ship.

I can't believe I'm leaving, not even having time to say good bye to anyone. Not to far behind I saw my father standing there watching me. Along side him was my mother in tears.

They grew farther away before suddenly I began walking up the ramp to the ship and they disappeared from my sight.

I felt tears form in my eyes.

.:*:. .:*:. .:*:. .:*:. .:*:.

After a half an hour went past or so we made to the finalizer. My eyes widened a bit as I saw we approached the giant ship sitting in the darkness of space alone. I felt my heart beat quicken in fear.

When we landed inside, I was quickly taken out of the ship and began walking to where'd I'd meet my husband to be. It took a few long hallways and a elevator ride up to get to the room where Id be getting married.

"Right in this room." The clone said, as stopped and pointed to the door.

My heart raced as I didn't say anything but followed as he said and walked into the room.

The door slid open revealing 2 men waiting for me. They both looked about the same height. One had red hair and in a black uniform. The other was who I guessed to be my fiancé. He wore a black cape and hood with a black mask covering his face. I felt a dark and uneasy feeling around him.

"Welcome Y/n. We have been expecting you." A man with red hair said. "I am Commander Hux, and I will be your clergy."

I turned my head back to see the three storm troopers that walked me here enter the room, guarding the door.

No way out even. I'm really getting forcefully married.

I turned my head away.

"Let's get this over with." Kylo said without another word, turning towards Hux.

"Yes sir." Hux looked towards me as I felt heart beat fast.

I swallowed hard and slowly walked towards them. The sound of my heels being the only thing making noise in the room.

I stopped as soon as I stood next to Kylo Ren. Standing next to him I noticed was tall he was compared to me, even with heels on.

"Let us begin." Hux pulled out a hologram paper that read the the vows.

So Hux was going to be our clurgy? Not so formal of a wedding ceremony as I thought.

A few minutes of the ceremony went past as we began approaching the end.

I turned my head slightly to look at Kylo as he stood still looking to Hux who was reading the vows to us. He stood tall like I said before, the top of my head went to his chest.

As he was described to me by the warriors back home, he wore a mask that covered his face and cloak over his head that grapes down his back.

I could feel my heart beating fast, thinking of the horrible things he's done to people. I began to shake in fear knowing what he could to me.

I looked away.


I refuse to let this man control how I feel. I won't allow myself to be scared or to cry. Never in front of him, to show weakness. He may have taken my life but he won't take my sanity and emotions for me too.

I won't let him break me.

"I pronounce you husband and wife." Hux said.

My breath got stuck in my throat to those words. I lowered my gaze, in shocked at what has happened. This was it. I'm married to this monster.

Kylo turned around and began walking away.

I turned my head and watched as he left the room without a word.

He must've been busy with other things and was forced to do a ceremony with me to enishate the marriage.

"Take the Empress to her chambers." Hux commanded to the soldiers across the room.

"Yes sir." One of them replied.

2 soldiers came by my side.

"Follow us."

I didn't protest but follow them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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