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A/N: haven't proof read yet. May be some minor grammar mistakes.

I felt cold, so cold that I could feel the bones under my skin freezing over. It was dark and wet, all I could see was her face and even that was starting to fade. My tiny piece of hope, the one thing keeping my stubborn body from drowning.

I could see red all around me, seeping out from my skin and spreading through the water. The last thing I saw was Eve, screaming into the water. Air bubbles escaping her mouth as she tried to reach out for me. I was close yet so far away. It was already too late. The damage had already been done and there is no going back. I couldn't let her risk her life for me when I'm already dead.

So instead of holding onto that fake piece of hope and dragging Eve with me to the bottom of the dark depths, I let go. I let go of everything. I let go of the pain, the struggle, the stubborn side of me that wanted to hold on for her, and instead just let myself sink.

Her face faded into the cold darkness and I finally closed my eyes to rest.

"Nelle... Nelle wake up"

My body shot up quickly, too quick. I couldn't even process what was going on and now my head had gone all fuzzy. I immediately lifted my hands to rub my forehead to try and shake the horrible head rush. My eyes blurring over as the rush swept over my body.

"You were mumbling and kicking in your sleep" Eve's voice spoke from next to me. I rubbed my eyes and groaned quietly, slowly I looked to my side and saw her worried eyes.

I was still here, and so was she.

I sighed and flopped back down onto the bed "I had a dream about last night"

"Do you usually have nightmares after... a rough mission?" Eve questioned gently. I peaked one eye open and looked at her like she had grown three heads "No" Obviously not. I've been doing this for years. I can't even remember the last time I had a nightmare.

"But then... I don't usually bring along the person I love to help me out" I said to the woman who was now laying next to me, getting comfortable on her side and watching me carefully.

"I had a dream that... I had lost you. Or rather, you had lost me. I have never dreamt of myself dying and I don't think I've ever been so scared to die before. Now that I have someone to come home to, someone to love, to care for and... to care for me"

I opened my eyes to look at Eve, to try and gauge her reaction to me spilling my feelings out to her at once. Unsurprisingly she was completely calm. I guess I'm normal situation the person on the other side would be freaking out at how forward I am but we are not normal, and Eve is most certainly not normal. The only reason why she wasn't freaking out is because she feels the exact same way. We are the only two people on the planet who understand each other completely.

"It's all over now" Eve said softly, her brown eyes shone in the morning sun, her dark hair sticking in almost every direction but she looked stunning like this. Just completely herself.

"You don't have to worry about doing another job like that ever again, right now we just get to be happy. We get a chance at a new life together. You finally get what you deserve, a chance to be happy and to be loved. I love you Villanelle and I believe that you do have it in you to chance and be the person you've always wanted to be"

My lips turned up into a wide smile. I could never be happier. Hearing Eve say that, someone who is opinionated and sometimes harsh and assertive with her words be so gentle and kind towards me, felt absolutely incredible. Only Eve could make me feel this happy and at home.

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Eve, showing the world just how much of a good, normal, boring person I can be. It's all I've ever wanted and I get to do that with my favourite person. Eve.


A/N: I didn't proof read. I pretty much rushed this and I'm still in tears about the ending of the show.

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