Chapter 1

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That flag stands so high. Just look how proud they are of their country. So much joy and freedom. No worries. Well, there are worries for me. I'm scared for what I have in store for me here. The terrorist attacks happened less than five years ago, and here I am. A Muslim. Just like the terrorists. Muslims.

"Aamaal," my mother calls, "Hurry we have to go now. We need to be at our apartment before the furniture gets there."

I nod and walk to my mom. I feel the stares from the people around me. This is what I expected, but it hurts inside to know I'm not welcome here so soon. They're scared of us.

I follow my mother, father, and older brother to the taxi, holding my large duffle bag on my shoulder. My father tries to flag down a taxi, but they just drive past us, even though they're open. My heart sinks.

"Hm," my father says and keeps trying.

About 10 minutes later we finally get a taxi. A Muslim, just like us, is the driver.

"Welcome to New York," he smiles and we start to climb into the car, "Where you heading to?"

"Broadway apartments," my father says.

"Ah, that's where I live too" he smiles, "You must be the Bari's."

"Yes, how'd you know?" Questions my father.

"Word gets around here," he chuckles.

My father and him keep talking and I look out the window. So much traffic and honking. It's sort of annoying.

"Oh look Aamaal, it's your school," my mother says.

I look over and see a school that has bricks painted white and lots of teenagers. I'm so nervous for my first day. What will they say? What will I do? What if I say the wrong thing? How will they treat me?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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