Spartan Training

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Chapter 6

Spartan Training


"Who are you and what are you doing here, kora?"

As soon as 'kora', entered my head, I shot up, ignoring my aching body's protest. From my sudden movement, I suddenly felt lightheaded and nausea.

I turned over to the side and emptied the contents out of my stomach.

"Whoa! Hey! Are you alright, kora?" Colonello shouted in alarm.

I couldn't believe it. I just embarrassed myself in front of Colonello.


My favorite Spartan baby. Spartan in physical training of course. (Reborn's just the Spartan baby of sadistic tutoring).

I felt a small little hand rub my back.

I felt a headache come on.

"Are you okay-"

"ACHOO!" He was cut off by my sneeze.

Cold chills racked my body. I suddenly felt very hot.

A hand touched my forehead.

"You're burning up, kora!"

I stood up and immediately fell back down. (Fortunately, away from the vomit, thank the gods).

And again, my world faded away.


Colonello felt very, very awkward.

The eight year old girl had a high fever and fainted on the spot. He wasn't quite sure what to do. He rubbed the back of his head before sighing.

The girl was mainly dressed in black. Her clothes were all tattered and burned. On her left shoulder was what he suspected to be an insignia. But it looked like the insignia has been ripped off from whatever happened to the girl.

He could tell that the girl has been trained. Her body is slightly toned. He came to the conclusion that this girl was not normal. No, she was in the mafia.

With a shake of his head, he grabbed the collar of the girl's jacket and dragged her off to his camp.


My heavy eyelids slowly slid open. I realized I was in a tent. A large military-like tent.

"I see that you're awake, kora."

I turned to Colonello, slipping off the towel on my forehead.

"Here," He handed me a bowl of soup.

I took it and studied the contents. It didn't quite look like soup. Just a bunch of chunky unknown substance and goopy liquid. My stomach growled.

It can't be that bad can it?

Shoved a spoonful into my mouth.










"You can't cook." I deadpanned.

"I realized that, kora!"

"Then why even bother?"

"Because - because I want to, kora!"

". . ."

". . ."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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