To leave my gun and go. I am so sorry but I am going you will have to find you way back. Now I am watching her get into her car and leave I am watching her leave and NO word are even coming out of my mouth. Nothing, nothing I am saying nothing and now she is gone.
I lift myself from the ground and stand up and try to gain a little of my strength back. I grab the gun and put it in my pocket, and take one step, and another. Then I started to hear walking footsteps behind me, slow, dragging foots steps like this person was injured. All I could think of was the figure, it must be the figure. Without a hesitant I pulled the gun out of my pocket and spun around with the gun facing out I'm front of me. I saw the thing and aimed my gun, the figure was hunched over holding it's stomach bleeding. I didn't even thing I pulled the trigger, only thinking this is what he deserves for putting me through this. As he fell to the ground I turned around and kept walking not looking back at him or my past because I now I will get through this. My plan is to walk and walk and walk.
I fell from being exhausted and dehydrated, without having the energy to get up, I blacked out. I woke up laying on the corner of a building out side. I found people there were people filling the streets, cars and building, BIG buildings, billboards, signs. I was 99% sure I was in New York, New York. I saw billboards of the Eiffel tower. I got up and heard the stomach groul really loud, I needed food, but I had NO food, money or a place to stay.
I got up and started walking and I turned around a large building and there was a big ally. I didn't go down the ally because it looked longer and I didn't have enough energy and I was afraid of ally's so I kept walking only to turn are another large building. As I turned my head there was a large man holding a gun to my head. He asked for ALL of my money, food , and keys to my house or car. I told him I have nothing, while I was shaking. He took one look at me, took the gun off my head and walking past me. I was glad, but then again I wondered why would he just let me go, not saying nothing at all just let me go?
I found a fruit stand on the next corner I walked past, and I'm not the stealing type. So I walked up to the person running the stand, I think his name was Gary but I wasn't sure, My eyes were watery and hurting like I got punched or something, but I don't remember anything like that so I kinda forgot about it. I asked "Gary" for some fruit. While he was looking down at the register not paying attention to me. He put an apple, orange, and banana in the bag and handing it to me, and the holding out his hand like he was waiting for money. He finally took his head up from the register and asked for 6 dollars. I told him I didn't have anything. He looked at me and told me I can just have it.
As I ate the apple, I kept walking hoping to find a police station. I must have been walking for like 10 hours, as I turned the corner about to black out again, my big brother was there. At first, I was like that can't be him, why would he be here, in New York. He started running towards me, and I fell.......

Why Just Why???
RandomThis story is about a girl how gets kidnapped and doesn't know what to do with her life next!!!