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As I started to gain consciousness........ I could see my brother, standing over me patting my head with a wet wash cloth. It looked like an abandoned ware house, but there was food on the table and I was so hungry. He Helped me up, made sure I was awake and then we started to talk, and here's what I remembered.....

"When you went missing everybody started to look for you, EVERYWHERE. We basically got a search party going we had the neighbor hood and old friends and family come and help as well. After 48 hours we called the cops, we showed them your picture and other stuff they took search dogs out to try and follow you sent as far as they could." Then the middle was a little blurred and I don't remember a lot so I basically heard the beginning and the end of him talking. "I came to New York to come and get the best police and F.B.I. I was so worried. But now I found you and I feel so much better."

After he was almost done talking I passed out again....... and when I woke up I was in the hospital, the one place I don't want to be.

I heard doctors coming in and out checking up on me, but my brother was there the whole time, I could just sense it. When I woke up they did check up on me and did some test to make sure I was Fine, but as far as I know I was good and didn't have any big injures.

The doctors told me I don't have any Injures or anything like that,and I'm fine but that I will need to stay in the hospital for awhile and talk to a therapist and some more people.

***2 hours later***

The 3 police men came in and they had their gun in their holder and the Walkie-talkies on really loud, and then they started going crazy, screaming and yelling and lots of other loud noises. After about 10 seconds of that it started to get quieter and you could here the person on the other end say we have a robbery in progress and 2 run away cars a dark blue Honda civic, the other one is a silver Toyota RAV4. We need you on that stat. The other to officers ran out of my room so fast they practically left skid marks on the floor. In less than 1 minute I heard they sirens turn on but I doubt that it was only the to officers because it was really loud I felt like I was standing 2 inches away from 5 cop cars with their sirens on. Considering I'm on the 13th floor there must have been some ambulance for the robbery, if somebody was shot.

A couple minutes after that whole thing he started asking me questions in a row not even giving me time to respond,but as he was talking I wasn't paying attention, because he looked really familiar. The I realized that it was a horrible person it was the..............

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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