Chapter 18 dyed hair

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Kendalls pov
I went outside and waited for lox and Maggie for about 3 min when they got here I sat on the back Maggie was driving and lox was in the passenger seat mags had Justin Bieber on the radio I mean once you got Bieber fever your always a believer I was busy thinking of Justin that I don't even notice that we have already arrived at the mall we got off the car and walked to the salon we went to the front desk and said we wanted to dye our hair and they took us to I seat mags was to my right and lox to my left mags was dying her hair brown and lox light brown and I was dying the bottom ombré
*Skip the dying hair part I'm lazy*
We finished and went to the food court and bought Starbucks (fact:sorry i don't like Starbucks) we grabbed our drinks and the girls took me home I got off the car and went inside my house to my room and fell asleep
Authors note
Sorry for not being active for a while it was cuz I broke my phone and had to get a new one and then my mom took my phone away

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