The book

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"Run. Run!" Hizashi hissed loudly Oboro's ear, his hands shoved his back gently as the guards came running around the corner.

"Don't rush me." The pale blue haired male hissed back over his shoulder, running in the direction he was pushed.

"Well obviously you need to be." The two teens ran down the old, unfamiliar hallways. The guards were shouting behind them, ordering them to stop. Apparently they did not recognize them yet, seeing as they did not have their royal clothes on.

"Here, in here." Oboro whispered, pushing a narrow, dusty wooden door open. The two boys scrambled into the small room and shut the door immediately but quietly so as not to alarm the guards.

Once inside, they both sighed when they heard the guards footsteps fade. Hizashi then swiftly turned and began to feel and push the old walls roughly.

"Why did we decide to do this again?" Oboro questioned while knocking on the walls, searching for a hollow spot.

"'Coz we needed somethimg to keep us busy." Hizashi laughed, going to the next wall and knocked lightly.

"Why do I regret being bored?" The blue eyes boy sweat dropped, still searching for a hollow spot.

"I can't can't find a spot." Hizashi whined in mild disappointment. The room was rather small and it had nothing but an old chair and bookshelf. The two boys stared at the bookshelf in silence before moving together to move it away from the wall without a word. Hizashi smiled broadly at the other boy when they saw a large hole in the wall, big enough to fit three men side by side.

"Hehe, told ya it was here." The blonde walked into the hole without hesitation.

"This is an incredibly foolish decision, anything could go wrong." Oboro followed carefully after the young prince despite his disapproval.

"But I'm sure it won't. What could possibly go- Woah look at this!" Hizashi squealed when he entered a room vastly larger than the previous one. It was filled with rows of shelves and built in shelves as walls stacked generously with old beautiful books, the floors had tall piles of papers and notebooks. Some were edged with gold and others had jewels decorating them. They both took a deep breath, the room smelled heavily of leather, expensive sweet ink, and paper. The room was lit by warm sunlight filtering through a huge glass window, the dust that floated around looked like tiny specks of gold.

(This would be a dream haven for me)

"I've never seen so many jeweled books in my life." Oboro breathed, slowly walking into the room and turned in circles to look at all the books and jewels.

"They're so pretty!" Hizashi ran over to a shelf and pulled some books out to read the titles. "Some are old spell books.. Oboro look, cloud magic!" The blonde jumped excitedly shoving the book to his friend.

"Awesome!" The taller boy gladly took the book and sat cross legged were he was, his eyes widened when he open the thick books full of information that the boy and his people often practiced.

"This is ancient stuff! These spells haven't been used by my people for years! The elders weren't able to teach us the spells because they were too old or they couldn't remember it perfectly. These are explained so simply but with enough detail that I can learn to do half of this in a day." Oboro rambled, his smile getting wider when flexed his hand and a small cloud the shape of a necklace appeared, it fell in his hand after a few seconds without it evaporating.

"These are incredibly written.." Hizashi skimmed through another book and placed it in a pile he was preparing to read.

"Thanks, I suppose." A low voice whispered in Hizashi's ear.

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