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     When I write 'Hizashi' it means it probably isn't really him lol. Enjoy! :>

      "So, would the two of you like to explain yourselves?" Oboro looked over at Hizashi nervously.

      "It was my idea. I wanted to know why you wanted us to stay away from that place, it was beautiful before I fainted by the way." The blonde leaned towards his mother taking her hands in his with excitement, "Mother you should've seen it, it was like heaven on earth. There was an endless supply of jeweled books and some had old spells that-"

       "Hizashi." Hizume reprimanded, he narrowed his eyes at the boy to continue his explanation. What he wasn't expecting was the narrowing of his son's eyes as well, a cold 'shut it' left his lips before he jerked up in his sitting position, his eyes widened.

       "What did you just say?" The King straightened his shoulders and glared when the shock left him. Hizashi scrambled with his words as he tried to apologize.

      "I'm sorry! I didn't mean that, I'm not sure how that happened. Ah- hold up." Hizashi sat quietly with his eyes blank for a few moments.

       "He said to be quiet.. father what's happening?! It's not my conscience!" The prince started to panic, he got up and paced around the small area mumbling to himself.

      "Who told you dear?" Hina got up from her crouched position and straightened her dress.

      "I don't know! How- I don't know mother." Hizashi softened his tone when it got too harsh and loud.

      "It's possession. Two heart beats, new attitudes, flashes of different appearances, it all makes sense.." The doctor spoke up, she went to her small book shelf and the end of the room and pulled out a thick book with a few water stains on the front. She flipped through some pages as she waddled to the table.

        "Possession?" Oboro leaned over the woman to read the words, only to give up when it was in a different language he wasn't familiar with.

       "Yes, there was a book involved?" Chiyo questioned and continued to read through the pages.
       "Mhm, this one." Oboro created a portal and quickly grabbed the now closed book jeweled book. When the queen caught sight of it she gasped and pulled on her husband's shirt sleeve.
      "Hizume! I thought you said you burned it!" Her soft, gentle voice scolded the man.

       "I- I did! I had witnesses with me!" Hizume grabbed the book from Oboro's hand and turned it around over and over with awe.

       "Blessed fire. You- forgot, I was put in his place. Your demon." 'Hizashi' mumbled, his irises were a deep black again. Hizume's face started to turn red with anger.

      "Get out of my son at once!"

      "I unfortunately can't do that." Oboro shivered when he heard 'Hizashi's' voice so cold and emotionless, he didn't think the boy was capable of doing that. The kind turned on his heel and opened the door poking his head out to look around.

       "Guards! Guards, come and deal with this scum!" He bellowed, the guards not too far away started running towards him.

       "What do you think you're doing? You can't harm your own son!" Hina pulled her husband back with alarm.

       "I only want to scare him off." The king whispered.

      "No! no!" Hizashi stiffened and bolted to the door before the guards could reach it, he stumbled down the long hallways.

       "Catch him! Do nothing else until I get there!" The older man ordered as the soldiers ran by.

       "Wait!" Chiyo called when everyone filed out the room to chase the blonde. Oboro took a running jump and created a cloud to float on and sped past the royals and and soldiers with ease. When he spotted the other boy he noticed that his gold locks were turning a raven color at the roots. He floated around and waited for the "possessor" to eventually corner himself.

      "Hizashi or whoever you are, follow me!" He called as he turned sharply to a different hall. 'Hizashi' turned to Oboro's direction with surprising speed and he caught up to the cloud in a few seconds.
       "Here!" Oboro gestured to a different door that led to one if the many parlors in the castle. He shoved the doors open quickly and let the other boy rush in as well. Without a word he turned and locked the doors once they were closed.

       "Thank you for helping me." 'Hizashi' said blankly, Oboro spun around and glared at the other as his cloud lowered him to the ground.

      "Don't think you're off the hook with me mister! Who are you and what have you done to my friend Hizashi? Correct answers only." He ordered, pointing his finger accusingly at the other's chest.

      'Hizashi' glared right back and turned up his lip with mild disgust.

      "Don't point at me, it's rude." He growled, his now black eyes glittered with annoyance.

      "Answer my questions and then I might think about it." Oboro snipped, keeping his finger in place as he smirked. 'Hizashi' rolled his eyes and turned to one of the chairs near a coffee table and gracefully stepped up on the seat before swinging around and kneeling down comfortably. He tucked his feet under him and primly placed his hands on his knees.

       "Fine, you better feed me after this though. I'm hungry." He griped, Oboro nodded and went over to a cupboard and pulled out a little basket covered with a wax cloth. He turned to the boy and grinned.

      "Will cookies suffice?" 'Hizashi shrugged and hummed.

"That'll do I suppose."

"Great! Now, tell me!"

"Fine! Don't rush me!"

       Hii hoomans! I hope ya liked this chapter! Lmk what you think about it and if I should post more.

      If I have made any spelling/grammar mistakes please let me know so I can fix it for ya! And make sure to vote and follow if you already haven't!^^

      Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day/evening!!!😊

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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