Chapter: 14: Do we go home?

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Blacking out along the rocks, I drifted off into a dream of my own.

"Daughter of the Prime." I heard someone say, as I walked up towards the blinding light. "We call to you."

"What happened?" I asked, seeing that my stomach was healed.

"You are with Primus. But we have come together thinking that a Prime like you needs more than this." He told me.

"Am I dead? I mean Primus is the one that keeps all the souls."

"Young one, Primus has made an exception. That being inside you does not belong. We grant you life by removing the unborn soul."

Looking up at the sky I see him holding something in his hand, then it disappeared. "It's gone."

"Now, we bid you return! Help Optimus, return him and yourself to the place that you all belong." With that my optics shot open. Feeling the pain slip away from where the sword hit. I slowly get up, looking around to see that I was still in that same place.

"Let's go kick some con aft!" I smirked, jumping down to where the rest of the team is.

"Sapphire is here!" I heard hound yelling seeing me go after the fake cons.

"Hound, where's my father?" I asked, seeing him throw a grenade.

"Your father went after lockdown." He said as I jumped now on top of a building shooting down at the foes.

"I'm running low on ammo!" Hound yelled.

"Hound take this!" I yelled, throwing a gun towards him. He gladly caught it, taking out cons next to him. I continued to fight along side him, till I spotted Drift, Bee, and Crosshairs all start going up towards Lockdowns ship.

"Hound, there getting lifted up!" I exclaimed, seeing him look up at me.

"Lockdowns ship has a magnetic force." He told me as I jumped back down to the ground and transformed driving to where they were.

I continued to drive till I saw crosshairs in front of me. "Sapphire your alive!"

"Of course I'm alive! Now turn around you have a con on your sixth." I told him, running up and taking out more cons. After we cleared most of the cons, crosshairs looked back at me.

"Let's go, your father might need our help." He told me, taking my hand as we got on the dinobot in front of us.

We rode till we saw my father, he's sword was in his servo and lockdown was laying. . . Dead. I saw Cade hugging his daughter, even Shane. What did I miss? Hopping down from the Dinobot, I look up at my father. "Dad?"

"Sapphire, is that truly you?" He said, his optics filled with sadness and relief.

"It's truly me." I said, running into his arms.

"I thought I lost you." He whispered to me, as I stepped back from the hug.

"Primus has other plans in mind." I told him.

"And so it seems." He said, walking over to the platform that wasn't far from us. I quickly looked back and saw someone dead. It was Attinger himself. Prime one, cemetery wind zero.

"Dino bots and Autobots as of today I relief you of your duties. You are free." My father started, seeing the dinobots run off somewhere. "As for me, I'm going to go bring the seed to distant planet."

"Will we ever see you again?" Cade Yeager asked.

"Cade Yeager, when ever you look up at the stars think of one of them as my soul." My father told him, seeing that it meant that he wasn't coming back for a while.

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