chapter 22

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The Marauder entered the room with Snape and lily they found Lupin unconscious on the floor the Marauder without thinking tossed themselves on the rave and Start beating her before worst happened Dumbledore seperate the duo from rave and bind them they were furious but nothing in the front of their leader he explained everything to the four they were speechless Dumbledore told rave to accept the truth
Rave pov
I was furious at my mother and the werewolf who called himself my father i wanted to cry not by anger but frustration that were filling my mind i wanted to ask my mother all these questions i wanted her so without thinking i asked for it Dumbledore understand so he give the permission to link my mind to mother i asked her the cause and she replied something i never expected she said they were fooling me and I was confirmed when I saw the werewolf smirked i never expected how witty the old man can be i cancelled my connection before saying to change her location immediate i gathered my strength and fight them with all my power i blasted the old man and threw him unconscious across the wall my mother words of confirmation was enough for me the old sack was nothing in front of her then mudblood and other order lead the old man out of the room he looked in the critical case marauder held me by neck i struggled they are going to murder me but I will not die like this so i produced a shield letting them off me they were furious more than ever I saw them then came the black running towards me barehanded i tried to Hex him but he was shielded by others he hold my hands and with other three they apparated me in the woods i was ready i was helpless but I have to keep fighting for the death of my cousin he can't die in vein i waited for them to do anything then at sudden they changed i was taken back by the sudden instead of black stood a furious dog instead of Potter there was a stag and instead of Snape there was leopard the biggest fear was Lupin he changed to werewolf this time I was terrified as i had fight against many but never against the animals i fired the killing curse on dog but he was fast to tackle and then all of them ran towards me from different directions they were livid ready to hunt me down in first time (ok second 😑) of my life i was helpless there was nothing i can do against them they started to claw me their paws was against my skin i needed my family more than ever they were even playing with me by letting me run dark in the forest they were enjoying it every second of it then when they tackeled me i begged them to not eat me they turned back black make me stand and whispered you wish bitch but we were not letting you die such an easy death this night will make you understand why never mess with Sirius and his family they held me against the tree and started with choking me to spill the other direction of mother and father house i closed my eyes then they started with punching me a tried to make a shield around me i was weaken from their animal attack so my shield was cracked at once they had ruined my face from punches then came the Lupin and told i should have let Dumbledore see the location of parents that way it should never be like this i was furious at his comment then black continued disrespecting my parents how my mother at her time of Hogwarts was fucked by every gryffindor so it was difficult to say that if she was even a daughter of voldy moldy it boiled my blood he was powerful but he can't Stop me from speaking instead i spat on his face and kick in his penis and comment i don't believe i cracked something as there's hardly anything he was furious so he took my arm where i was marked a death eater he said let's see how being a death eater helps you to protect from our fury my mark always burned when I am afraid as it rarely happened somehow Snape has to know about it and then came the worst part on my burning Mark they performed burning Hex at the same place i was going to be unconscious but again i felt current in my eyes then came Snape and said how stupid my father was to let him in the death eater family and have much information given to the Dumbledore to this i smiled and replied he barely give you any information as i suspected you and my father trusted me you were nothing just a half blood pawn to my father how will be tortured but never question how mindless are you with being a Slytherin you never belonged anywhere not to us and not to your precious lily it was enough for snape he performed his best spell sectumsempra on me again i was a bloody mess then came the Potter he said many ruthless things like before my cousin killed himself they raped him and i cared less to even look at him this took me far and i said at least i was the one who freed my brother from all the pain that was coming to him and be killed by some filth blood traitor unlike you whose unborn child was killed by me by the hands of future precious leader he told me how about i made you mother of my child and then kill you slowly while the filth death eater die inside you i was furious and in fear of being raped again i ran for my life they changed to animals and to my face level first came black in his dog form is he going to rape me impregnate me while being a dog my fear become real the dog entered me i was crying he said don't worry I will not impregnate the child of a very sorry excuse of my cousin it will be James but why declined when you can have fun with a body like yours after five minutes he stopped the same did the other two now i was panting from sweat now came Potter he was changed to his human form then he entered me with such force i was bleeding and crying him to stop then he said he is going to cum in me then came the mudblood with her two other friends and tossed Potter aside asked what were they doing again stupid they were raping me mindless bitch i spat on her and received a bombarda and then body bind i was taken back to the cell the Marauder and Snape begged mudblood to not tell anyone about the sex it was more than sex i thought

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