Chapter 2

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Aiden's POV

We were doing hot room yoga, so no one wore more than they had to, including Roland. His skin tight black shorts could have been boxer briefs for all they left to the imagination.

"Three, two, one Release" He said.

Forty two gasps of relief filled the room as we all released the pose. Blood flowed back into constricted limbs. Some bent down to grab their water bottle. I did a quick shift to adjust my package.

"Lay down for dead body pose", Roland said.

We all lay down on the towels stretched over our yoga mats. We were half way done  with the session, and the towels were already completely soaked. It was like lying down on spongy damp carpet. Not pleasant but after the torture of that pose, it was heaven.

Sweat poured down my brow and off my ears. The air in the studio was oppressively humid. It cloyed at my skin, clung to the inside of my mouth and coated my lungs.

The only thing that made it bearable was the reminder that the yoga poses were worse. It was all about perspective.

Roland stepped off the small platform in the front of the class and began to walk around the class.

"Close your eyes" he said.

"Take deep breaths. This is the time when you relax, when you reap the benefits of what you just showed"

I closed my eyes. I imagined him walking around, his eyes locked onto me. My body in a wet leotard, my legs slightly open. My cock stirred, the heat and physical exertion like an aphrodisiac.

I knew I should concentrate on my breathing but I couldn't stop thinking about him. Stalking me through the woods like prey. Drawn in by the scent of my lusty thoughts.

I knew that he could smell my desire and that just turned me on even more. Could he see the effect he was having on me?

I felt his footsteps grow closer. I heard him breathing hard. He was walking directly towards me. I curled my fingertips into the wet towel, needing to do something with my hands. My hard nipples pointed straight up towards the ceiling.

He stopped right next to me. My mind went wild. I could smell his masculine virility his need to mate. I knew none of this made sense but I was caught up in a moment of fantasy.

Author's note

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This is gonna be a very hot 🔥🥵 sexy seductive gay romance full of lust and detailed 18+ mature sex scenes
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The next chapter will be posted soon stay tuned

♡︎𝑴𝒓. 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒆23♡︎

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