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Hot. Unbelievably hot. That was the only thing I could think of right now.

"Haah, I really need a drink right now..."

I had sighed for the 6th time this morning. I mean, I can't help it, I was thirsty. And not just that, my neck felt incredibly itchy.

I continue to walk down the road, watching the scenery that I had already seen a million times to try and take my mind off my suffering when,

"Yo! Kazuto! Can't believe you actually woke up on time...Woah! You look terrible"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Or more like, how do you still look fine? Absolute monster. No way anyone normal would be able to stand this heat."

The one who greeted me right now, with his irritatingly refreshing voice, was my best friend. At this point we had known each other for 4 years now.

"Isn't it just because you don't go out enough? I mean, of course I still feel hot, but I feel nowhere near as bad as you."

"B-but, it's summer! Who wants to go out on summer! Definitely not me. If I knew it would be this hot I would've just quit school neck is itchy, and it is getting kinda hard to breath"

My friend here makes a weird face, then starts laughing.

"Hahaha, yeah, that sounds just like you. I feel like you should maybe become more active. Staying inside all the time can't be good for you..."


"Ow! What was that for?"

"You actually woke up in time! And yet you hadn't told or waited for me! Unbelievable!"

The one who had smacked my back just now was my childhood friend. She had short, brown, fluffy hair, and a small stature. If you could describe her in a few words, it would be small, cute, and energetic. Too, energetic. As someone who had a hard time waking up early, I always had trouble dealing with her in the morning.

"Haah... I let his comment slide awhile ago, but is it really so surprising that I wake up on time?"

" "Yes!" "

"Wow, you two are really in sync today"

As we were having our meaningless banter, we could see someone walking in front of us, a girl, wearing the same uniform as us.

"Oh! Heeey! Wow, what a coincidence seeing you here!"

Just like a puppy running to her owner, my childhood friend ran up ahead to this mysterious female student. Of course, I have never met, seen, or even heard of her before. Which was weird. I'm not the most sociable of people, but there is not way that there wouldn't be rumors of someone who looks like that. What do I mean? No other way to say it than that she is beautiful. Insanely beautiful. And that's just the view from behind her. I haven't even seen her face yet but I just knew that if good looks could kill, the second I gazed upon her face, I would be dead in no time flat. Even though the temperature was blazing hot, she didn't look bothered at all, and the way her long, black, beautiful hair lightly swayed as a wind passed her, almost convinced me that it wasn't actually summer, and that what came by wasn't a heat wave of death, but a refreshing breeze. Almost.

But...there was something that bothered me. Even from behind I could tell that she looked perfect. Too perfect. Otherworldly, even. But that's what made it weird. She looked out of place. As if she didn't belong in this world. As if...

"Hey! You okay dude? You were kind of spacing out. Is the heat actually getting to you that much? Is it still hard to breath? Do you need some water?"

The abrupt words if my best friend had interrupted my thoughts, and simultaneously reminded me of both my thirst, and the itchiness of my neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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