Chapter 3

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Liam’s POV

If only Niall knew this ‘girl’ he is talking about was him. Geeze, I need to tell him soon.  These feelings are getting out of control.  Why did he leave so early? And why did he seemed so pissed?  I think I will go make sure he is okay later.

“You coming Liam?” Harry asked me, pulling me out o my thoughts.  I looked around.  Nobody was in the room except Harry and I. 

“The meetings over?” I asked

“For about 3 minutes.”

“Oh, okay.” I said getting up. Harry and I got in the elevator and he turned to me.

“You okay Liam?” 

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I lied.

“Liam, is this about the Niall situation earlier?”

“Just drop it Harry.” I snapped at him.

“Alright Li.  Just know i’m here for you.” And with that he walked out of the elevator. I ran after him,

“Harry!” I called.


“I think I’m gonna walk home.”

“Liam, thats a 10 mile walk.”

“I know, I just have some business to take care of.” He looked at me with worry in his eyes.

“Call me if you need me.” I just nodded and watched him walk out in all the screaming fans.  When he was out of sight I headed back up to the studio.  I think it’s time for a new song.

Niall’s POV

“So you’re telling me that Liam is gay?” I asked Ashlie for the thousandth time.

“Niall, look at these messages!” She said handing me Liam’s phone. I scolled through the messages between Harry and Liam.

Message #1

To: Harry

I can’t stand that they are together.  Can’t he see it.  That should be me with him, not her.  Don’t get me wrong she is a wonderful girl, but, I think him and I should be together.

Message #2

From: Harry

You need to tell him your feelings for him, or things are just going to get harder.  

Message #3

To: Harry

I just don’t know how...... What if he isn’t gay?

Message #4

From: Harry

Liam, I am pretty sure he is,  haven’t you seen the way he looks at you? It’s the same way you look at him.

Message #5

To: Harry 

I don’t know, but we are almost at Ashlie’s, I will talk to you later.

That was the end of the messages.  

“So Liam is gay?” I said looking at the phone.  A smile spread across my lips.  

“Yes! Niall! You know what that means right?”She said smiling.


“We can break up!” She squealed.

“Why do you sound so happy about that?” I asked poking her. “That kinda hurts me.”

“Niall, I didn’t mean it that way, it’s just, I sorta have been talking to someone.” She said blushing.

“Who!?” I asked her.

“Harry.” She said smiling at me.

“Harry, as in Harry Styles?” I asked in complete shock.  Oh boy....

Liam’s POV

“In love (in love) with you (with you)

In love (in love) with you (with you)

With you, oh!” I sang, finishing up the song.  This song is perfect.  I describes everything I feel for Niall.  I think I'm going to sing it to him, to tell him how I really feel.  After I talk to Harry of course. I went to grab my phone out of my pocket, only to find it not there.  Shit, where did I put that damn thing!? I started tearing the room apart looking for it.  I was on my hands and knees looking for it when I heard the door behind me shut.  I turned around to see Ashlie grinning at me.  

“Loose something?” She asked holding up my phone.  I swallowed hard, remembering the messages that were on it.

“You found it!” I said getting up.

“That’s not all I found.” She said smirking and throwing the phone at me. She walked over to me dangerously close. “So Liam, tell me, how long have you been going for the same sex?” I could feel the lump in my throat start to form.  Shiiiiiiit!

The Love Between Friends *A Niam Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now