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"So how was the date?" Shota asked.
"First off, it was not a date. Second, who even gave you the idea that it was a date? And third, we got some work started." Yunhyo responded as she got into the front seat.
"Well first off," Shota said to mock her, "you like him and he likes you. Second, it was Jongsoeb. Third, good job."
"You're lucky you're my child."
"I am not lucky, imagine having Yunhyo as your mother." Shota countered.
"Yep. Intak, go to the orphanage. We got a kid to drop off." Yunhyo said.
"Hey, Intak ia not my father. I have one father, we know this." Jongseob said.
"He's driving, that's why I said we. I wasn't saying he's your father." Yunhyo said, looking back at the youngest.
"Good. Besides, we all know I was Jisung's favorite." Jongseob said confidently.
"I'm quite certain that Yunhyo was Jisung's favorite." Intak laughed.
"Okay. Topic change." Yunhyo said, another memory coming into her mind.

They sat together, their friends all messing around at the park. It was a mess with all 14 people. But despite the noise, the couple kept their conversation going. At least it was before Jongsoeb and Shota ran over.
"Hey, Parentals. Did you see where Haechan hid the cooler?" Jisung laughed as he shook his head, unsurprised from his friends actions.
"We don't know. Sorry." Yunhyo replied.
"Are you guys hungry or thirsty?" Jisung asked the youngers.
"Thirsty." They responded in unison.
"Here," Jisung said handing them a few dollars, " go buy something from the store down there. I'm too lazy to find it." Shota grabbed the money before running off.
"Their so small. I can't believe they're going to be sixteen this year." Yunhyo laughed.
"Right?" Jisung said, laughing along with his girlfriend. Haechan walked passed and Yunhyo stopped him.
"Where did you put the cooler?" She asked.
"What do you mean? I didn't touch it. It's still there." Haechan said, pointing to the cooler.
"That was definitely Shota's idea."
"I swear he's your favorite." Yunhyo laughed.
"How is he supposed to be my favorite when you are?" Jisung smiled.
"Ew, couple-y conversation. My cue to leave.'' Haechan said as he begun to chace after Renjun.

Jisung sat in his room, pondering over what she had briefly talked about. What did she mean it was all in her head? He couldn't halp but wonder before he heard the doorbell. Lazily getting off his bed, he walk to the door to open it for his friends.
"Is she still here?" They asked.
"No. She left a few minutes ago." Jisung replied.
"So, did you guys only work? No conversation?" Jeno asked.
"We talked, for a little. Not that it got very far." Jisung said as his friends walked into the house.
"Where is the Mrs. And Mr.?" Jaemin asked.
"My parents are out on a date." Jisung responded.
"I'm telling you, you guys will get things fixed. Just like you wanted." Haechan said.
"I mean, it's a step in the right direction. Just a very, very, very, small step." Jisung said.
"No, it's a good sized step. You guys talked. You haven't in how long?" Mark said.
"You've been worried about since before you guys broke up and even after you did."
"Speaking of worried, I don't think she's been sleeping well." Jisung said.
"Of course you would noice that. It's basically hardwired into your brain when something's wrong, especially if it has anything to do with Yoon Yunhyo." Renjun said, shaking his head with a smile.
"Be quiet. She hasn't been like this in a long time. I might have a good idea why, but I'm no longer in the place to do anything." Jisung said quietly.
"Message her brother."
"That'd probably work, but she doesn't know I still talk to him."
"Can't say we didn't try."

When Jisung's parents csme home to a house full of boys, they weren't surprised.
"So, why are you guys here today?" His mom asked.
"We were wanting to mett Yunhyo, but she left before we could get here." Chenle answered.
"Yunhyo? Like, Yoon Yunhyo?" His mom asked.
"Yeah? We have to work together for my class project."
"Will she be here tomorrow? I want to see her again. I miss her laughter. It's been quiet without her around all the time." His mom said.
"I don't know if she'll be here tomorrow."
"And how could it be quiet when The Zhong Chenle basically lives here?" Chenle said loudly.
"Well The Zhong Chenle will not be basically living here if he can't keeo his volume down." Jisung's mom said, hitting the back of his head lightly.
"Sorry, Mrs. Park." Chenle sid, rubbing the back of his head.
"So, Mrs. Park, what are we having for dinner?" Jaemin asked.
"You're going home. Not eating here." Jisung's dad replied instead.
"Oh, Jaemin, did you know that Yunhyo still referrs to you as Mama Jae?" Jisung laughed.
"Holy shit. Did Jisung laugh?" Jeno said dramatically.
"She's bringing back our Jisung!"
"What the hell guys?" Jisung asked.
"Jisung Park, you better watch that mouth of yours!" His mom scolded.
"But Jeno!" Jisung said.
"He's not my son!"
"It's your house."
"Did you guys know that Jisung yelled at me two days ago? He yelled at me for saying Yunhyo's name." Chenle said.
"No, I yelled at you because you were blaming her."
"Really Chenle? You decide to blame her? In front of him? Do you have a death wish?" Mark asked, shaking his head.
"What did you blame her for?"
"Making Jisung depressed."
"Am I wrong?"
"Will you guys stop already? We get it. He's not the same since they broke up. The guy's srill heartbroken. You'd be the same if yoy were in his shoes." Jaemin said.
"We miss her tok. We don't know how she is holding up either. She hides things like that. She doesn't like to be a burden." Renjun said, making everyone quiet.

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