Funeral & Friends

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Erinna woke up to the sound of the shower running. She sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Erinna had hope, hoping that yesterday’s news was nothing but a dream. However, seeing her mom emerging from her walk-in closet with her black dress in her hand confirmed her fears.

 Seeing that Erinna was awake, Heather laid the dress on the bed and walked to her daughter. She hugged her before kissing her forehead. “Good morning, sweetheart,” Heather greeted but not as cheerful as every other day. “Go take a shower; I laid a black dress for you on the bed and put on black tights as well, ok?”

 Erinna nodded before leaving the bed. She was about to leave the room when Heather hugged her again. “I wish you didn’t have to wear that dress.” With a kiss on her temple, Heather released Erinna, walking to her room.

 Erinna walked to her room, seeing the dress Heather laid out. It was a modest knee-length dress with long sleeves. Erinna let out a sad sigh before walking into her bathroom. After showering, Erinna walked out of the bathroom in her bathrobe, just as Maria walked into the room wearing a similar black dress and black tights. She immediately walked to Erinna, taking her into a hug. “I went looking for you when I didn’t see you this morning; I was worried about you,” Maria admitted, her eyes tearing up.

 Erinna bit her lip, feeling guilty. She had closed up yesterday, refusing to talk to anyone. Erinna stayed in George’s arms all day and then in her daddy’s arm when he came home. Maria, her cousins, and aunts tried to talk to her, but Erinna didn’t feel like talking to anyone. Even Angelo failed to make her speak to him and went home crying. “Sorry, I woke up in mommy and daddy’s bed. I don’t remember how I got there yesterday. 

 “It’s ok I was just worried,” Maria exclaimed.

 Erinna picked up a bra, matching panties, and a pair of black tights. After putting them on, Erinna walked to put on the dress, and Maria helped her close the zipper in the back. Both of them walked downstairs after Erinna transferred her belongings into a black purse.

 They walked downstairs and into the kitchen, where everyone was sitting, and breakfast was served. Both Erinna and Maria took their seat as their aunt Leslie placed a plate of fried eggs, bacon, and toast.

 “Uncle Jeff,” Alex called from his seat, gaining Jeff’s attention. “Can I live with you here? I don’t have anywhere else to go.” Alex asked with concern. He couldn’t handle living anywhere else. His uncle’s house was now his house. Erinna and George were like siblings, not just cousins. He couldn’t even imagine living anywhere else.

 “Alex, you are part of our family. As long as you don’t want to leave, no one will dare to take you from here, this is your house now, and if anyone tries to take any of you, they will have to get through me first,” Jeff explained, looking towards both Alex and his kids.

 The family finished breakfast and attended the church for the funeral service. Jeff, Erinna’s uncles, and her grandfathers were the pallbearers who carried the casket into the church. Erinna cried as they went through the service, listening to many of Robert’s friends and colleagues give eulogies about what a great man Robert had been.

 Howard Houston made his way to the front to give his speech. “I am here as a retired agent; however, I am also here a father—a father of a great man, a hero. My son Robert Alan Huston. We are a family with a long history as old as this country, from Sam Houston to Robert. Robert was not just a good agent who took pride in doing his job, but he was also a father and uncle, a brother and a son. Some of you know me, and some of you have worked under me. Those who worked under me know that my family and your families were always my priority, but I would not stop my son’s heroic action if I could go back in time. While it pains us to lose Robert, we are proud to have known him.” Howard ended his speech, and the FBI director went to the front to give his eulogy.

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