Chapter 1

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Everybody in this world knows that hybrid species vary with every family, yes there may be two or more families with the same species, but everyone in that family will be them same species. Which leads onto the point that hybrid species and traits are genetic and can go many generations without seeing the same traits.

The Wastaken family was a family of goat hybrids. However, that was not the only hybrid trait in their family tree. In the past the Wastaken family had seen goats, sheep and ram. Mainly sticking to the same or similar looking animals. It was like an unspoken rule, tradition if you will and many families beside the Wastakens do take part in this 'tradition'.

However, somewhere down the line in the Wastaken family tree, someone decided to bring in avian genetics. That's right after generations of goats and sheep someone decided to fuck a  bird, way to mess up the genetics. Luckily for the Wastakens, they like to keep a clear brand for the family that brand being goats, the avian genetic was rare and only came up every few generations.

They had gone 73 years without seeing a child born to the family with avian genetics. They thought that the avian had been bred out, hadn't gone that long without seeing a bird in the family before, then young Thomas was born.

At first it was a little suspicious that Thomas had not been born with his hybrid trait, but it was not uncommon, it would present itself before the age of 5/6. Up until then Thomas had been showing promising signs. Curly and fluffy hair, often a sign of a sheep hybrid.

His mother was a sheep and his father a goat. They had two other children, but they loved them all very much. Now 10 year old Dream being the oldest, 4 year old Thomas and 3 year old Drista. Both Dream and Drista had been born with hybrid features, which troubled the parents as to why there second youngest had not been born with his traits but did not worry as of yet because he still had plenty of time to show.

They had planned to celebrate, maybe invite some close family and friends over as well. But it turns out their child's features had been starting to show well before they were discovered and he was what they had all been dreading. Of the avian species.

His mother had gone into his bedroom as she did every day to wake the young boy for home schooling and she had found him fast asleep in a makeshift nest. Really it was a sorry excuse for a nest, but it was still a nest. Sheep don't make nests. They sleep in beds 'normally' like 'normal people'.

Now paying close attention his mother noticed how his ears were more pointed, also indicating that he was of the avian species. They were pointed off slightly at the end instead of being more round like a sheep. She shook her son up rather roughly trying to get him to wake up and that he did. He woke with a squawk. Little did young Thomas know that, that small noise would change how everyone viewed him for the rest of his life.

Thomas or as he commanded everyone to call him, Tommy changed for good that day. He was only 5 years old when he learnt that people of this world, even his own family, were judgemental of anything they didn't understand. He learnt because he started being judgemental himself. Because he didn't understand when he was so young. He does now. He understands that it was naive childish dreams to think that his family would ever accept him.

After that day his parents made it very clear that they wanted nothing to do with him. So he made it easier for them and himself, by putting distance between them. That was for the better, if he hadn't distanced himself then he would have to deal with the constant nagging from his family that he wasn't good enough. So it was better this way.

He was 8 when his wings grew in, it was and still is to this day the most pain that he had ever been in. The feeling of bone being crushed from new ones growing in. Only for said new bones to push their way through the skin on his back. It was worth it in his opinion though because his wings were beautiful, with shimmering crimson red feathers that tapered of into a shining gold at the edge of each one.

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