Chapter 3

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In truth, Tommy hadn't really wanted training. Up until the age of 8 he had taken gymnastic lessons and progressed well above other people his age, the only reason he had stopped was because he couldn't hide his wings in thin, skin fitting gymnastics gear. But even after he stopped he still takes the odd online class and remembers all of what he was taught.

Realistically he has a skill set a lot more advanced than others his age, progressing in all of his studies he was probably a lot cleverer as well.

But all that aside, the real reason the Tommy was here in the heart of where most crimes start or occur, the real reason he was here was because Tommy wanted connections and somewhere to turn if it all turned bad. He wanted connections to the infamous SBI killers, to figure out how they were going to approach him.

The meeting between him and Quackity had actually gone a lot better than Tommy had thought it would go. He expected to have to negotiate and gamble his way to victory but the older man had taken the offer with little convincing.

The time that it took the older to agree was only 10 minutes into the scheduled meeting so the three of them spent the rest of it discussing business and how it was all going to play out.

"So, kid. What exactly do you expect us to call you because we can't just keep going round calling you 'child'." The duck hybrid had said soon after accepting the deal, he fiancé nodding in agreement.

"Theseus." the answer was simple. Well maybe not so simple, Tommy had spent ages last night trying to find a name for himself. Determined not to be known as something like 'Fire wing' or something simple like 'Phoenix'. Then he would be dubbed as boring and uncreative.

So he had come to the conclusion of the of a Greek tragedy. Theseus, known for feats of strength but remembered for his intelligence and wisdom, exiled from his own home and destined to fall.

Tommy thought it fit well with of course his own twist on the name. Because despite others his age, Tommy was both strength and smarts, abandoned in his own home. But here is where he's different; Tommy had already fallen, he was rising back up.

"Alright, Theseus. So why here? Why did you choose to come to me?" was the next important question that was fired Tommy's way and it was one that he was more than willing to answer, might as well show off his skills.

"I needed to contact and work with someone with connections that could offer me possibilities but also someone that wouldn't be obvious candidate as to who I would be in connections with. If that makes sense." Trying he best to put thoughts and actions into words was actually quite difficult.

"Okay then, what can I do for you?"

"Well when I said training I didn't mean in every field. As you can probably already tell I am fine with using a small amount of information to get what I want. So really all I want you to do is test the skills that I already have and be someone that I can turn to if needs be, with a reasonable cost of course."

"Well honestly Theseus I don't think you need training, how about we make a twist on the deal?"

"What were you thinking?" he words were careful this was not how the meeting was supposed to go. Tommy thought that the Jester would just put his through a multitude of tests to see his skill set.

"I say with the amount that you just payed me we could make a more fair trade, you could have a space here at Las Nevadas, I can give you missions in which you can keep a fraction of the earnings and with them missions I suppose you would actually be getting training by learning on the field.

The older did have a point, one of the best ways of learning was from a leading example but also trial and error. Besides if anything goes south he can just rat the older out.

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