Sports Festival | Part Two | Mechanical Chivalry

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Izuku waited for the rest of the contestants to finish, it took them thirty minutes to finish. Izuku was also given an oil pack by Tsu.

After the 48 students were ready the second round began. "Contestants must form a group of four" Midnight explained. Izuku paired up with Tsu, Mina, and this one support course girl.

The support course girl had long pink hair. Her yellow eyes had a crosshair in each of them. The crosshairs becoming bigger and smaller periodically.

As the timer went down Izuku said a simple phrase: Hold on tight!

When the timer reached zero, Izuku's thrusters kicked off, making his group fly.

Mimi and Tsu were somewhat stoic, but the Crosshair Girl was laughing like a Disassembly Drone that got their first kill.

Explosions neared them and Izuku acted on instinct, one of his wings lashed out. The explosive kid managed to dodge and Izuku was starting to overheat. "S-System I working at 50% e-efficiency." Izuku managed to get out of voice box.

And before long Izuku had shut down.

He booted up in the covered 1-A viewing area, with a cooler in front of him. Gleefully taking a cooled oil pack. Izuku tried to remember what had happened.

"You shut down Izuku, that's what happened."


Well all Izuku had to do now was wait.

//// Elsewhere \\\\

On a cleaned up version of Dangopa Beach. Nearby the stairs that led down to the sand. There layed a shrine.

What could only be described as a living skeleton, placed red spider lilies as an offering to the shrine.

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