🪔🧡𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚊🧡🪔Part 1

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Kalim held you close to his chest as he started to run through the halls of the school. You watched as Jamil stayed behind to confront the twins. Kalim picked up the pace until he reached the cafeteria.

"Ok... there's no one here right now, so I think it's safe! Are you ok, {Y/N}?"

You were more than ok. Holy crap! Someone who liked you actually found you!

You looked up at Kalim and began crying. "Y-yes! I'm o-ok! Thank you for saving me!"

"Huh? What's with the waterworks?" he asked. "Has it been that rough for you?"

You nodded. "First, Riddle-senpai tries to catch me, then Leona-senpai locks me in a cage to keep me forever! Azul-san sent the twins to come get me after Jack-kun saved me from Savannaclaw! I haven't slept properly in a while, I smell like Floyd's gym socks, and..." Your stomach rumbled. "I'm... REALLY hungry."

Kalim frowned. "I'm so sorry to hear that! Do you need a hug?"

You nodded. Kalim raised you to his face, and you hugged the side of it. You felt relaxed around him; he was finally someone you could trust to not lock you up and keep you forever.

"When Jamil finishes, I'm gonna take you back to Scarabia and make sure you feel right at home! That's a promise!"

"Thank you, Kalim-senpai!" you said. Kalim gave you a friendly smile as he set you inside the pocket of his shirt. When he did, you felt a wave of fatigue come over you once again. Within seconds, you laid down and drifted off to sleep.


"{Y/N}... wake up..."

You felt blazing heat on your skin. You rolled over from where you were asleep and yawned. "Hello...?"

You felt the ground beneath you; it was soft like a bed. You pushed what felt like a blanket off of you and sat up.

"Yay! You're finally awake! Jamil said I had to wake you up in an hour; so I did! Did you sleep well?"

You looked up to see Kalim watching you with his face on his hands resting on a table. You could smell something delicious coming from the kitchen.

"I did... I slept wonderfully! Thank you, Kalim-senpai!"

Kalim smiled. "I'm glad! Jamil says I have to get you cleaned up, so let's go do that!"

You sat in Kalim's outstretched hand, and he carried you off towards a room near the lounge. He locked the door and grabbed a few items off the shelves.

"Here, put this around areas you don't want me to see. I'll make sure to be polite and gentle when I clean you up."

Kalim turned as you began to remove your clothes and wrap your private areas in a small piece of cloth. "Ok! I'm ready."

Kalim grabbed a soap dispenser and a rag, pumping soap into it and turning your body gently. "I'm gonna soak you in water; is that ok?"

You nodded. Kalim grabbed a handful of water and gently sprinkled it on top of you. It was so refreshing to feel the water on your skin. He then began to clean you up with the washcloth, making sure to be gentle. The soap smelled of coconut and honey. It was an infinitely better scent than dirty laundry.

"Ok! Moving on to your hair." Kalim pumped shampoo onto his fingers, rubbed them together, and began to clean your hair. He rubbed it into your scalp and rinsed it off. He did the same with the conditioner, making sure to not hurt you. When he finished, he rinsed you off and dried you with a different washcloth.

"Put these on! It's kinda silly, but it's the only thing I have."

Kalim handed you some clothes that seemed fit for a doll. It was a white tank top with black shorts, along with a pair of sandals. You thanked him, and he turned to let you get dressed.


"So? How do I look?" you asked. Kalim turned around to see you dressed in the clothes.

"Amazing! Sorry if I'm treating you like a doll; but at least the clothes fit! Let's go get food now!"

Kalim picked you up again and carried you out the door and back to the lounge. A delicious aroma wafted forth from the lounge.

"Ah, Kalim. You're back," Jamil said. "Is {Y/N} all better?"

You nodded. "Thank you again, Jamil-senpai! Kalim-senpai! I would've been eel food if you didn't rescue me."

"A friend in need is a friend indeed!" Kalim said with a smile. "Jamil, what did you make today?"

Jamil looked at the large pot. "Soup. A simple recipe, but you're guaranteed to like it."

Kalim set you down and grabbed a bowl, serving himself and sitting behind you. "Alright {Y/N}! Open up!"

You were starving. You opened your mouth and let Kalim put the spoon near it. You sipped the food and licked you lips.

"Oh my God... I haven't eaten in so long; it feels amazing to have food again!" you said. Kalim kept feeding you, making sure you were properly fed.


When the soup ran out, several students left to go take care of the pots. Jamil stopped and looked at you.

"{Y/N}, how did this happen?"

Kalim stopped smiling. "Oh yeah... I forgot to ask about that. Why ARE you so tiny?"

You wiped your mouth and looked down. "Honestly, I have no idea. It happened in my dorm, and there wasn't any witness besides..." You gasped. "GRIM! He must've seen who did it!"

Jamil looked down. "A potion... one can only assume that this was someone from Pomefiore's doing. Their students are all exceptional at potion making. Perhaps you could get answers there."

You looked up, determined. "Then that's what I'm gonna do. I need to get to Pomefiore and talk to the dorm head."

"Vil-san is not the easiest person to talk to, though," Kalim said. "One time, I talked to him, and I must've said something wrong cause he totally flipped his lid! Like Riddle!"

Yowch. That didn't sound fun at all. You cringed at the thought of there being another dorm leader like Riddle.

However, if you wanted answers, Pomefiore was the place to go. With another detour in your plan, you readied yourself for what was to come.

I'll finally be normal again... and hopefully, I can be with Tsunotaro.

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