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I'm giddy from the atmosphere as Malcolm embraces me, pulling me in tight. Laughter rips up and out of my chest, and my arms work their way around his torso to return the hug. Everyone around us is still in a fit of laughter, cheers, and awe, and Malcolm and I completely bathe in it. This is my one and only proposal, I would be a fool not to revel in it. Even if it was staged.

Admittedly, tonight has gone much better than anticipated. Not only did Malcolm and I share our first kiss, I've also learned how affectionate he can be. I guess if we have to be married, at least we'll each have someone we can count on. I'm absolutely shocked he even kissed me this soon, even further surprised that he seemed so relieved when he did it. It makes me wonder how long he's known about the arrangements, or really how long he's known about me.

Not to be conceded, but that kiss was full of passion. Either it's just in my head, or I'm making it out to be more than it is, but it seems like he actually wanted me. I'm hoping it wasn't just in the moment, because I seem to want him too. I've got no clue how I feel so drawn to him already, we've only known each other for such a short amount of time. Even if he knew of me or knew what I looked like prior to today, we've never actually spoken to my knowledge, so he would also have technically been meeting me for the first time when we ran into each other at the store. He must just feel our connection like I do.

I separate my head from his chest, instead craning it upwards to look into his eyes. For a moment he doesn't notice my staring, and I take advantage of the time by admiring him. The biggest and brightest smile rests on his face, his green eyes sparking and alight with joy. His raven hair is neatly combed back, and one rebellious curl tumbles onto his forehead. This man is so beautiful, and the fact that he's aware makes him even more attractive. He's confident, but not cocky. In many ways, in fact. Especially when it comes to me, and him believing we will work out in the end. Perhaps, his confidence is as contagious as his smile, because suddenly, I find myself believing we'll work out too.


I sneak a glance down at Madeline laying on my chest, where she belongs, and am shocked to discover her already staring at me. The wide smile on my face just about doubles when I catch her, and I notice her cheeks go red at the realization that she's been caught checking me out. She lowers her face back down and buries it into my chest, and I chuckle at the adorable conduct. My chest puffs out with pride as I feel her against me, proud to be able to say that this beautiful woman is now officially my fiancé. 

Leaning down, I nuzzle my nose into her hair and feel her suck in a breath against me. She's pulled tight on my chest, but I constrict my arm around her further to get her flush against me. 

"Madeline," I breath her name like it's heroine and I've just got my first dose after getting out of rehab. "I need you now. I need another one of your kisses."

Her face lifts once again from where it was rested on my chest, and her bright red cheeks are noticeably visable.

A small smile curls her lips when she notices that I'm just about as flustered as she is, and suddenly I'm pulling her away from the crowd without even realizing it. I can't take it anymore, being in her presence is so hard when she's so tempting at any minute. The way she chews on her lips when she's concentrating, I've seen it a few times tonight when she was thinking. She's just as addicting to watch as her kisses are to steal, and I'll never allow myself to sober up from either.

I pull her into the hallway, with her feet stumbling rapidly behind mine. She whispers and laughs about how we can't excuse ourselves from the party, since it's our engagement party- but I don't care. The people in there can fuck themselves, because I'm about to fuck my fiancé.

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