1 - The damned alarm

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Kirishima pov:

BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP! "ugghhh, stupid alarm" kirishima mumbled wishing he could just sleep a little while longer. "Shitty hair wake up" bakugo calmly stated. "huh bakugo?" kirishima muttered half asleep still "C'MON I SAID GET UP" bakugo yelled. "Fine, fine just give me one more minute" kirishima spoke softly, but as he would soon find out while being yanked from his bed he would not be given another minute. "Bakkuuugooo" he tiredly mumbled. "If your damn alarm is going to wake me up then you are also going to have to wake up shit for brains" bakugo stated while staring at the unmoving ball named kirishima that was lying on the floor.

After finally coming to his senses Kirishima  began to think he was being a downer and he in fact did wake bakugo up with his alarm. Of course I probably already ruined bakugo's day, on brand for me isn't it?. After collecting his own thoughts Kirishima finally rose and decided that he was going to make breakfast for the two boys to try and make up for the whole waking bakugo up thing. "Hey man sorry for waking you up so early this morning" kirishima spoke through the bathroom door of the two boys dorm towards bakugo. "It's fine shitty hair I usually wake up early anyways, it's no big deal" bakugo spoke calmly through the inside of the bathroom. "Alright man well i'm going to make us some breakfast if you don't mind I'll just be down in the kitchen by the common room!" Kirishima happily mentioned to the blonde. "Wait shitty hair you can't cook for shit, give me a minute and I will come down to make us both food" bakugo commanded. "But how am I going to-" kirshima began before being interrupted by bakugo "DON"T WORRY ABOUT IT SHITTY HAIR I"LL BE DOWN THERE IN A MINUTE". God I feel so bad but maybe bakugo is right, plus it would just make him more upset if i tried to cook and he hated it. "Haha alright man I'll be in the kitchen waiting!" kirishima promised.

Kirishima quietly shut their dorm's door and lazily walked down to the kitchen. I guess I'll just have to try to make it up to bakugo later some way or another. Once he arrived he noticed that the only people awake yet were midoryia and todoroki. Huh what a strange pair to be up so early together. It appeared as though todoroki was cooking pancakes for the two boys. Midoryia quickly realized Kirishima's presence and greeted him, "Hey Kirishima, what's got you up so early ?" Kirishima calmly replied "oh my-" without being able to complete his sentence he was cut off by an angry bakugo, "Shitty hair forgot to turn his damn alarm off, but that's none of your fucking business anyways you damn nerd". Todoroki not even looking up from his cooking calmly yet slyly commented, "Your one to call midoryia a nerd when your the one who acts like a know it all all of the time". Bakugo practically steaming with pure rage shouted, "THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME ICYHOT BASTARD!" "Hey bakugo people are still sleeping c'mon man" Kirishima quietly chastised.

To try and settle the tense situation Kirishima decided that maybe him and bakugo could go and spare first instead so that the entirety of the dorms wouldn't get blown to bits by his fiery friend and dorm mate. "Hey bakubro why don't we go spare some first before we get breakfast". Please, please, please work. "Hell yeah and I'm going imagine your fuckin icyhot the whole damn time so I can get some nice training in"  bakugo practically spit while todoroki who completed his and midoryia's pancakes. In which todoroki who does not give a shit decided to proceed with "wow didn't know you cared about me so much bakugo". But thanking the heavens kirishima realized bakugo was too busy storming out of the kitchen to get to the training room to hear him. "Have a good morning guys, sorry for bakugo. I'm hoping I can go help him roll off some steam" kirishima nervously stated while rubbing the back of his neck. "Okay! See you later kiri!" Midoryia exclaimed cheerfully.

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