Philly Feast! (Part 2)

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(Nobody's POV)

"Supper will be ready soon girls." Tobias had said with a smile plastered on his face.

You made your way next to mother and sat next to her, patting her back and telling her how beautiful she looks today, it's an everyday thing, telling mother that everything is going to be fine, everybody is gonna get fed and that she's an amazing looking woman.You sighed and carried on patting her back for a while,until you heard a scream echoing from the tunnel.

(Y/N 's Pov)

I think she found them..

I got up from beside mother and observed the frightened red head exit the tunnel in fear, screaming and crying. Tobias ran to her and gave her a "warm" and "reassuring" hug.

"SUPPER'S READY!!" Tobias howled

After a few minutes, the table was all set, with the body of a semi-alive person on it.A leg missing.

I was standing beside Addy , she was crying out in fear as Tobias was cutting up a piece of skin from the human, it shaked aggressively in pain and horror,
Abby was not going to take the meat.

"You've made Mother mad." Tobias warned her."Please, Mother likes you, make her happy."

Abby did not respond nor move.

One of my brothers stormed in as the sound of snarling was heard. "Fresh meat"

"Hm, you two, get this meat back in the kitchen and then get into position." Tobias ordered, stepping closer to Addy

I sighed it off and made my way out, seeing a man around his 30's showing up with his arms up.

"You've come to the right place if you're looking for female companionship" One of my brothers replied

"Actually i'm looking for a friend." The stranger replied."Red head, named Addy?"

I recognised that name and was about to speak up until-

"Not sure if we had anybody named Addy," My brother replied, looking at the 3 of us. "How about moonshade, stormy or Rhea here? We've got a 2 for 1 special today!" He chuckled .

I rolled my eyes in disgust and crossed my arms.

A shot was heard and one of the men was shot, it was our men. I looked at the direction of where the shot could've came from and noticed this young teen with a sniper on him, his jawline was sharp and attractive but , i'm sure he has nothing to do with me..

Turning around i saw Tobias holding the same knife he cut that piece of meat with to Addy's neck, she was bawling her eyes out.

Soon after the 2 dominant men had a conversation i saw one of our men get into the machine gun. I shook my head and started getting worried for the group outside.

"Are you gonna give me back my Sunshine?" Tobias had said.

That name had me shook. Sunshine? The same Sunshine that had to suffer here with me?? The one that had escaped? I sure hope it's her, i've had enough time here alone.

"Stop!" A familiar voice yelled, it was her. Sunshine. My eyes lit up in sparks."Let her go and i'll come back Tobias. "

I admired Sunshine as she made her way closer to Tobias and the fence. It was a strange exchange of humans, something Tobias would do any day just go get Sunshine back.

"It's okay" Sunshine reassured Addy and went in, going in for a hug to me. I was the first person she heads to..? I give her a long ,tight and warm hug , i've never missed her this much. It had only been a few months since she had left us but i missed her to bits.

"Oh Sunshine.." I whispered.

"Call me Cassandra." She whispered back, i nodded in approval of her demand.

"We're so glad to have you back Sunshine." Tobias smiled towards us and joined us on the hug, didn't want him to join in but, who can blame him?

A few minutes later.

Cassandra was sat down next to mother, feeding her a mouthful of gross food.

"'Mom is so much happier when you are here. " Tobias smiled .

"Got some fresh meat, looking for 2,you're on Sunshine and Rhea." We looked at eachother miserably, it was just like old times.

The two of us got up, mildly disappointed.

Arriving at the caravan.

We open the door to an old man standing there with round sunglasses resting on his eyes, i narrowed my eyebrows, feeling like i've seen him before somewhere..

"Hmm, thas what i'm talkin about." He slid off his sunglasses and winked.

"20 minutes and no rough stuff." Tobias had his hands on both of our shoulders, pushing us in and closing the door right behind

"What are you doing?!" Cassandra cried out.

"Shh! The right thing." The old man responded then looked at me.

"Doc by the way!" he whispered shaking my hand."Just follow my lead."

The 3 of us began shaking the caravan and fake moaning, to be honest it was pretty fun and it's a surprise if they really fell for this.

"Ah! " I fake moaned, holding one of the tasers in my hands and so did Doc and Cassandra,risky plan but i was having fun until i heard music playing.

"Thas our signal!" Doc instructed."No! Don't do it! AHHHHH" Doc screamed at the top of his lungs , he really sounded in pain.

We saw the door open and watched my brother and Tobias enter, looking puzzled. A gunshot was fired into my brother's head and Tobias jumped onto Doc, pinning him into the couch. Cassandra jumped on Tobias and shocked him with the taser she was holding onto as he soon fell into the couch.
"S-Sunshine..!" He managed to word out.

"Her name is Cassandra!" I yelled at him and shoved the taser into his mouth, leaving it there until it seemed that he passed out.

"Let's go!" Doc led us behind the caravan and we stayed hostile, waiting for. next move.

In the distance the same song we heard in the caravan was heard, i chuckled at it but my attention was aimed at the boy with the sniper, second time seeing him and he sure is the sharp shooter of the group, he also looks so dreamy but. It's more important to focus on this mission. I saw this truck driving at fast speed, it hit the fence and broke it apart, covering my ears i ducked down carefully,

"It's now or never!" Doc warned the both of us as Cassandra pulled me up, all 3 of us made a run for it to the back of the truck, hearing Doc pat the truck for it to move made me relieved that I finally escaped that hell hole. Zombies overcrowded the cannibal family's little base , i smiled to myself and sighed in relief.Hearing Tobias screaming made me joyous.

A few minutes of driving

The sharp shooter was aiming around with this sniper which i soon learned that his name was 10k, reason being was because of his objective, kill 10,000 Z's. Which i personally think it's quite impossible.

Me , Doc , the squad leader and 10k were at the back, meanwhile the others were up at the front .

"So what do you want us to call you kid?" Doc asked me "I'm sure you don't want to be called Rhea."

"Hmm..Just call me Y/N L/N. " I responded with a smile.

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