Full Metal Zombie! 🧟(Part 1)

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Somewhere in Pennsylvania there was our group, resting at the side of a road.

"Really. Amish zombies?" Addy spoke out after seeing one of the living dead drop on the ground.
I chuckled and rubbed my head

"They tried to quarantine themselves from the rest of society, y'know keep the Z's from spreading the infection ." I replied soon after, folding my arms .

Now, instead of my slutty, revealing clothes i had way more appropriate clothing on me, i was wearing a dark green bomber jacket and had some grey-ish tactical trousers that we had found along the way, I had the same shirt from the cannibal family as we didn't manage to find a shirt that would've fit me well. However that's alright i still felt pretty warm and welcomed into the new group.

While i was going throughout deep stages of thinking about my clothes, the group were suggesting how the virus may have started to get all of them infected, just to keep themselves busy from waiting to use the "toilet" basically just pissing in a bush, somewhere far from the group.

I was sat in the back with Doc,Cassandra and 10k, they were on about what zombies want from us, which obviously the logic answer would be brains.

"When my pa was wounded, he told me to tie him up before turning." The sharp shooter suddenly spoke out."And to give him mercy." He looked up at the 3 of us,staring at us with such emptiness in his eyes.
"I couldn't do it, i couldn't hurt my Pa." He sniffed, his face turned another direction "Stared into his eyes for the longest time , just looking for some sign he was still in there.."

"Did you see anything?" Cassandra asked,he shook his head miserably.

"What'chu do?" I questioned.

"I killed it." He said that in a cold, monotone voice.
"You had to put down your own dad..?" Doc responded.

"I didn't kill him." 10k sounded offended." I killed IT.Piked it in the head,it was my first kill."

Well the conversation sure did go deep pretty fast.

Anddd we were on the road again.

While on the way we came across this mini shaped car.
"Human! Six o'clock!" Doc informed the others and pat the side of the truck, they were following us at a slow pace."Is that more of you ladies' cannibal friends?"Doc had asked me and Cassandra,joking around.
"No.." Cassandra shook her head.
"Up ahead!" We heard coming up from the front.There was a line of Z's which blocked the path ahead and prevented us from going forward.
10k hopped off from the back of the truck and made his way up front and so did the others, ready with their weapons.For now i still had no weapons and had to scavenge for some but, it's fine if i'm atleast by their side,right?

I admired Roberta Warren slicing the zombie's head off but soon got interrupted by Cassandra "Wait wait.. Somethings off, look at their feet."

They were chained, standing too straight up for a zombie...like we just fell in some sort of bait.
We turned around and saw the car which was following us pull up ahead.

"Stay right there!" The man with a bandana yelled, pointing a gun at us and his followers did the same, just like a bunch of sheep.
"Alright drop your weapons! Or die." The man spoke out.

We all hesitated and looked at each other for a moment until we all came to a conclusion to not put the weapons down,well apart from me and Murphy we just-placed our hands up on the air .
We heard a shot being fired which resulted in one of the zombies dropping dead, it was from our sharp shooter,10k.

"God i love that kid.." Doc had said, smiling.

"Now we just want the vehicle!" The man with the black bandana said."So give us the truck! And you'll live, to die another day!"

"Don't give them a goddamn thing!" Roberta Warren had yelled out in anger

"Do the math Garnett! We have other priorities." Murphy had yelled out in annoyance.

The bandit chuckled at Murphy's response "Y'know, listen to your friend over there, nobody wants to die." Silence fell across everybody. " We're still taking that truck.."

Everybody looked at eachother not knowing what to do next since we had to wait for a response from our leader, Garnett.

"Let em have it.."Garnett spoke out , everybody got ready to swing until-"The truck, i meant" Gernett said quickly,the group lowered their weapons and we looked at him , disappointed.

"Hehe, smart move, alright guys! let's move!" The bandit instructed his followers.

"Murphy, Y/N" Garnett called out at us and signalled for us two to come over with the rest of the group.We heard the group of bandits cheering and parting once they got into our truck, we all gave them a death glare as they drove off into the distance. Next car is the tiny ,broken vehicle...

Warren opened the door carefully but it resulted in the door falling to the floor,creaking. "Beautiful!" Warren commented.

"Damn idiotic bandits.." I muttered and got on the back of the vehicle and we began to drive off...

(A few minutes into the car ride)

Along the way , I managed to find myself some weaponry .There was a pistol and a few pocket knives placed in the pockets of my trousers., i'm glad i managed to find something to defend myself even if it was something small.The car we were riding on was awfully cramped . Mack and Addy were sat right at the front , in the inside there was ; Garnett, Murphy, Doc , Warren and Cassandra right in the middle of the two men.Meanwhile,i was stood at the back with 10k, the engine was running really poorly and slowly, it took us ages just to move from the spot we were last on, with the bandits.

Up ahead it was the same truck that got stolen from us and the bandits, they seemed to be robbing another group, looks more like a family .

"Hey stop the vehicle!" Me and Addy both yelled in sync .

"It's them again..Bastards."Warren had responded, stopping the vehicle.

The group got off the car and got their weapons ready, i did the same, my hand was placed on the pistol that was resting in my pocket.

"Looks like they're tryna rob some poor family now.." Warren had stated

"Yeah not if i have something to say about it." Garnett replied

"Would it matter at all if i said don't do this?!" Murphy yelled out to us, we all ignored the annoying guy.

I made my way next to 10k since , for some reason i just felt a safe feeling just staying by his side,he went somewhere abit far from the group so he could aim right.The group stepped closer to the family and noticed the 2 frightened children.

"Drop your weapons on the ground"Garnett warned them. "Or the first shot takes your head off"

The bandits hesitated for abit but finally came to their senses and the leader dropped his weapon,the rest did the same.I sighed in relief as i was stood next to 10k but soon noticed that another set of bandits was lined up on their knees, hands behind their heads. Something must've been said right after since a round of gunfire was heard, the father and the mother killing off the bandits infront of us.Meanwhile, the 2 children shot the bandits which were lined up on the ground.

"Son of a bitch.." I muttered to 10K

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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