21:: friends?

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It was time for mission impossible. Well that's what the boys names their little plan to get Jungkook and y/n to finally talk to each other. "Yes hyung." Jungkook was nervous. Very nervous and it was evident on his face. "Kookie don't worry, you y/n has big heart. And she loves you a lot. Jsut tell her the truth." The truth. Would she like knowing the truth?

Jin waited for his sister to arrive, his mind raced with lots of questions, what if you never speak to Jungkook again? Jin had to shake his head his sister wasn't like that. Looking at his phone he realised you must be here seeing your message on his screen. Stay calm Seokjin.

You walked through the doors and immediately saw your brother waiting. He quickly walked over to you hugging you. "I'm so glad to see you smiling." it was like you both had finally come to peace. No more lies or being away from each other. "Right where is my food mister?" You passed him a questioning glance. "Well, if you must know I was just about to grab it. So why don't you head up to the practice room, second door to your left." It was a bit odd since you thought he was just order it but oh well either way you were going to get your food. You followed your brothers instruction and arrived at the practice room. What you weren't expecting was there to be only one person in the room. Him.

Jungkook bounced his leg as he waited for you. He had so many thoughts rushing through his head. What if you didn't want to see him? What if you hates him? What if..what if?? That's all his mind could think about. That was until he heard the door open and there he saw you. Breathtaking as ever.

The two of you just stared at each other, you were growing more uncomfortable. "Oh..sorry to disturb I'll get going." You went to turn around when you felt him grab your wrist, ever so gently. Like you were porcelain doll. "Wait...please can we talk y/n?" You didn't dare to look at him, your heart was beating like crazy knowing he was right behind you. It's just a talk. "Fine." You swore you could see a smile on his face but it disappeared when he saw you looking. Both of you sat in the middle of the room. You weren't sure what to say, so you waited for him to speak.

"Y/n...I'm so sorry. I'm sorry about everything. From the day in the studio, to me acting cold and horrible to then kissing you that day and then ignoring you. Ignoring you so much that I lost myself. I pushed you so far that I'm sure you hate me. I'm sorry for not clearing things up earlier. And finally I'm sorry for not telling you...I like you." The words just kept flowing out of his mouth, never did you think he felt guilt or even remembered any of the events that happened between you two. But what shocked you most were the last three words. I like you. "Please say something, anything. Shout at me. Yell. I don't care please just say something." His voice was cracking and you could see the clear liquid clouding his eyes. Why did my heart ache?

"I'm sorry too...I'm sorry for being confusing. I should have just cleared the misunderstanding from the beginning but I was scared. Scared that you hated me. We both did wrong. And I...I-"
It was like Jungkook understood you. "I don't know about my feelings toward you. I am still confused." You knew you liked him but you weren't ready to admit, you were still torn up and weren't ready to face that hurdle.

"It's okay y/n, please take your time. And I hope you know I will always love you monkey." Your mind stopped working hearing those words. How could he say that when he had a girlfriend. "Wait? What about Yumi?" Just saying her name you saw anger flash on Jungkooks face. "I hate her. Yes I did have some feelings for her but it was short lived. Every time Iooked at her, all I could think about is you. I was too scared to break up with her not wanting to do something stupid like that morning in your apartment. So I stayed with her. Until that day you came to our concert. She was being a bitch, i was tired of her and finally I broke up with her." All the questions you wanted answering over the last few months were finally answered. It was like instant relief for your mind.

"Jungkook, let's forget about what happened and start a fresh. As friends?" You didn't want to lose him again, even if you stayed as friends. "I'm glad to have you back monkey." Jungkook couldn't wait any longer and he pulled you up and hugged you. He hugged you so tight, you missed his warmth. The warmth that calmed everything down. "Shut it gorilla." Small chuckles left your mouth. The two of you stood in each other's embrace.

"HOLD UP?! Weren't you all supposed to be practicing? I swear that's why Jin called-?!" The smug look on Jungkooks face gave it all away. "Yeah, the hyungs planned this mission impossible thing. Yoongi hyung had told them what happened, well minus the kiss...since only we know about that" yoongi told them everything? Did he tell them about my feelings? He wouldn't would he?

As if on cue the 6 boys walked, gasps left their mouth when they saw you and and Jungkook finally talking. "OMG THE TROUBLE DUO IS BACK!!" Tae ran screaming pulling you both into a hug. You glanced over at Yoongi motioning you wanted to talk to him. Privately.

"What's up little one?" He has big smile which made you worried thinking he might have told them.
"Did you tell them...about how I feel?" You waited anxiously for his answer
"Of course not, I knew you weren't ready. I want you to tell him on your own. And one more thing...Jin hyung approves of Jungkook liking you." Your eyes went wide, they could practically fall out of thier sockets. "Really?!" Yoongi nodded. "Well that's good to know. I'm still not sure if I'm ready for a relationship but we not settled on being friends for now." Yoongi was happy just to see you two rebuild your relationship though something told him, it would be more then a friendship soon.

"Are you two going to come eat before these muscle pigs devour everything???!" You both looked at each other before running to sit down and enjoy the food. I'll remember this day.


word count: 1128

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