25:: leave

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"What the hell are you doing here Minseo!?" Your anger was boiling, you didn't want to see his face. How did he even find you? "Y/n-I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean for this whole mess to happen-"
"Shut it. I don't care what you have to say, you lied. Used me for your own personal gain. And then you show UP AT MY DOOR AT 1 AM?!! Are you insane?" The rain was getting heavier and your apartment was beginning to get chilly from the breeze. "You need to go." He was still stood starting at you. It was making you uncomfortable. "No. Please y/n give me chance. From the moment I saw you I knew you were perfect. I did all this to get your attention to show you that I love you." You couldn't believe what you were hearing. LOVE?! Is he brainless??

"I can't believe I was a fan of yours, you disgust me." It felt weird speaking to him like this, he was after all one of those people you liked up to. A role model. But after your interview incident you made sure to stand up for yourself. Your hand went to shut the door but he pushed it back on. He was much stronger. "Y/n...don't say that. I know you love me too. Please I'm sorry. I'll do whatever it takes." He grabbed on to your hand and was trying to get closer to you, panic rose in your body. His grip was tight. Too tight.

Jungkook POV
I ran through the rain like a mad man, I didn't care if I would get ill. Something was telling me that y/n wasn't okay, I had this very odd feeling in my stomach.

My hair was dripping wet and my clothes were drenched but finally I made it. The rain was clouding my vision but as I neared her door my heart began beating rapidly. Adrenaline pumped through my veins. What was he doing here?

"Hyung...something doesn't feel right?" Jimin sat up from his bed looking at Hobi who he had expected was sleeping but was wide awake too. They all were worried for Jungkook but now something was telling them that there was a bad thing about to happen. "Go wake up the others Jimin. We have to go." Jimin grabbed his coat and shoes and quickly ran to the others surprisingly they all felt the same. "Jin hyung you might want to call Aera noona."

The 6 boys neared y/ns apartment they had drove their which made it faster. And when they arrived the scene in front of them was bewildering.

Other pov
"Let go of me!" Now you were terrified, Minseo had this look in his eyes and it sent chills up your spine. "Never. You are mine-" before he could finish a figure yanked his hand away from your wrist causing him to stumble back. It was still raining and you couldn't see his face until. "Are- are you okay?" His voice echoed through your mind. It was hun. "Jungkook!" With no hesitation you hugged him, you didn't care that he was getting your clothes wet. You needed him, you needed his comfort. His hands wrapped around your shaking body trying to calm you down.

"Who the hell are you??!" Your attention fell back on Minseo who was now raging in anger. "That's none of your business. I suggest you leave her alone." Jungkook pushed you behind him creating a barrier between you and Minseo. "Ha. Funny of you to think I will leave. She is mine. I will stay here with her."

Those words made you scared. It scared you so much you clung into Jungkooks shirt. "Hey...I won't let anything happen to you. I promise" he was gentle and calm but you knew he was angry too. "Get the fuck away you creep. How the hell did you even find her?? You fucking stalker!" Next thing you saw was Minseo lunging forward to hit Jungkook. You grabbed Jungkooks hand and pushed him away, you shut your eyes waiting for the impact. But you felt nothing. Opening your eyes carefully you saw Minseos arm being held by...Yoongi.

"I better not have to repeat myself..lay a finger on her and I will make sure to break every bone in your body." Your eyes scanned the scene all of them were here? Jin looked over at you, he was already on the phone to someone. Jungkook pulled you in for a hug hiding you, shielding you from everything.

"Thank you officers." You watched from your window as Minseo was led away in the police car. Aera rushed in and immediately ran to you, engulfing you in a hug. "Y/n you okay? Are you hurt? I'm so sorry!" Tears were pooling out her eyes, you have never seen her cry before. It broke your heart. "Unnie I'm okay...a little shaken up but I'm okay." Hobi had called her not too long ago explaining the situation.

"Y/n...I'm, we are sorry." Aera let go of you and left you to talk to your brother and the others. "Why are you sorry? You literally saved my life. I don't know what would have happened if Jungkook didn't arrive. If yoongi oppa didn't step in! If none of you had trusted your gut feelings...I don't even think I would be alive." It was true, you felt like you were going to die tonight. "We should have been here faster! Before he came...before he laid his hand on you." Tae held your wrist that was slightly bruised. "Listen to me, you saved me from him. Saved him from doing worse, this will heal in no time. Stop blaming yourselves, I'm so grateful you all came." They all stood up hugging you, you felt protected. Like nothing would hurt you again.

"You all need to go rest, you took a flight and then had to sort an asshat out. Please go home and rest. I'm okay." None of them moved, you wanted them to have comfortable night sleep. You knew they were tired, heck they were worn out now the adrenaline rush died down. "We are fine y/n, you are the one who needs rest. Please go sleep, we all will stay here just in case." It did warm your heart that they cared so much but you needed them to go get rest. It wasn't fair.

"How about this, one of you can stay and I'll come over in the morning. I'll have breakfast and hang out with you ALL DAY? Also you will all catch colds if you don't go back and change,so think wisely!" You couldn't make them all leave so a compromise would be better. Tae stood up about to say something "guess I'll-"
"Jungkook will stay." Jin cut him off giving him this weird glare. You couldn't really understand it. "Oh uhm yeah. Jungkook." Tae coughed as Hobi yanked him to sit back down.

Jungkook was shook from his daze by Yoongi who had been watching him for a while. "You are staying here tonight. Okay?" Yoongi looked at Jungkook who had a small blush. "Aye no funny business Mr Jeon. I'm trusting you but if I find out anything i will make sure Jungkook Junior-"
"Alright that's enough hyung, let's all get some rest." Namjoon bowed in apology, you on the other hand couldn't help but giggle. Jungkook was best red in the face. Wow, even he looks cute when flustered.

Soon it was just the two of you, he was sat on the sofa while you were sat a little further away. He was still in his wet clothes. You stood up quietly and went to grab him some clothes, luckily you stole some from Jin the other day. "Here, take a shower and change into these or you will catch a cold." Jungkook averted his gaze to meet yours. He hadn't said much since everything happened. You could see it in his eyes that he was feeling guilty.

Jungkook watched as y/n bent down meeting at his eye level. She held one of his hands softly caressing it with her thumb. "Stop feelings guilty. I can't thank you enough for saving me today. For protecting me. If you hadn't come I don't know what situation I would be in. So please stop feeling guilty. And please get changed before you catch a cold." Jungkook couldn't help but let the tears fall. How after all this you were calm and still so strong? He watched as you lifted your hand to wipe the tears of his face. "Y/n...y/n I love you."

Word count: 1467

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