Chapter 9 - Who Is She?

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      The woman stood up and laughed like a pyschopath. "You can't defeat me that easily...You all will be dead soon...And don't worry! I'll come to all of your graves." She smirks.
Bernard used his power and he became invisible. While there was an opportunity, he attacked the woman. The woman moved quickly and she knew immediately where Bernard was and she grabbed him by the hand. Bernard lost his invisibility and she broke his bone in the wrist. "Aaaarrghh!!" Bernard fell down and the woman secretly smiled, but I saw that. Antonita helped Bernard and healed his broken wrist. "At the bushes..." I heard a whisper in my ear. It was a woman's voice... I couldn't understand what she wanted to convey to me, but I just went to the bushes on the side and I was surprised to see a bomb. Tick tock, tick tock... No, the time is running! We need to stop that woman immediately. There are only a few minutes left and we will all explode here. I immediately went to Jay while Antonita was fighting the woman.
I didn't make any noise and crouched over to Jay. "Jay, hurry up and tell me how to stop the bomb. There's a bomb on the side of the bushes and there are only a few minutes left." I said quickly.
"What?! But I'm not an expert when it comes to such things like that, so I don't know. What should we do now??"
"We need to get out of here right now." The woman kicked Antonita in the stomach and punched her in the face. Jay picked up the knife on the ground and threw it at the woman. The woman was stabbed and she fell. I drove them all out of the palace, but when I was about to drive my father away, he stopped and I turned to look at him, confused. "What are you-" My words were cut when he pushed me out.
"Get out of here! I'll handle her." Before I left, father smiled and hugged me.

Gabriel's POV

      She stood up and tried to remove the knife that was stuck in the side of her stomach. I tried to stop her, but she pushed me away. "Don't do it! You'll die!" She stared at me and was furious. She's grinding her teeth and seems like she wanted to kill me. "Why?! Will you be hurt when I die?! When mom died, does that hurt you so much?!"
She wiped away her tears, but she didn't dare to be sad. "I'm hurt...but I didn't show or say that. Right now, my sister, I will bring you back and take you away from darkness." I held out my hand to her, but she looked down and sniffs. "Bring me back..?" She looked at me again. "Really?! Are you kidding me?! When mother needed you, you didn't come back! Now that you needed someone, you want me to go back for you?!" She scoffs. "I know I failed, but I'm sorry for everything I've done.
I haven't forgotten all that, so even my own children and wife have been included to all of this mess. I've been harsh to them...It's all my fault,
I admit, but you shouldn't be like me.
I don't want you to do something bad, so stop what you're doing!" She did not answer and used her power. "I'll avenge mother and I'll make sure you'll die!!" When she tried to throw the fire from her hand, she fell to her knees. "Aghh..." She touched the side of her stomach. I approached her to help. "Stay away!" She shouted. I noticed that there were fires all over the palace and that the ceiling was about to fall on her. I pushed her and a large rock fell on me from the ceiling. "Arghh!!"
She gasps. She approached me and tried to lift the large rock, but she couldn't handle the heaviness.
"Just go..." She tried to lift the large rock again as best as she could.
"Stop acting like a hero! I won't leave you here!"

Fiona's POV

I looked at Gabriel for a moment and remembered the times we had spent together when our mother was still alive. I smiled, but that also disappeared. I was angry when I couldn't lift the large rock. My tears flowed because I knew I could not save my own brother. Eventually, I backed away when all the ceilings collapsed and I went outside. "Nooo!!" Rocks covered the garden door and I couldn't open it. I cried when Gabriel died because he saved me from danger.
I'm the one who supposed to die, not him! I saw fires in the hallway, so I covered my nose to prevent from inhaling the smokes. I entered a room with various cases of medicine.
I removed the knife from the side of my stomach. It was a bit painful, but I had to do it because I was already running out of blood in my body. I took the medicine on the table and put the medicine on the leaf. I lifted my clothes and placed the leaf on my wound.
It only took a few minutes to heal. Wow, that's cool. When I went outside, I saw Gabriel's room. I don't know how I knew if it was really Gabriel's room, but I have a hunch that that's what I thought it is. I went inside and saw a picture of us when we were just kids. It's all my fault... my loved ones won't die if I made the right decision... I came out of the room and was surprised when I remembered I had put an explosion on the bushes in the garden. I ran quickly and exited in the back of the palace.

Aiden's POV

I tried to enter inside the palace, but Bernard stopped me. "Father was still out there! I need to save him!"
Before Bernard could speak, the palace suddenly exploded, but we all dodged the big explosion. "N-No..." I kneel down on the ground. "No!!" My tears flowed. I angrily punched the ground hardly. This won't be happened if I didn't left my father there! Why does this have to happen?! Mother is gone, why does father have to die?! Bernard grabbed me by the shoulder and calmed me down. "We can't do anything...he's gone..." Michelle began to cry out loud. I saw with both my eyes the fire throughout the palace when I looked at it. I didn't do anything for my father... It's my fault... I didn't do anything but blame myself for what happened... Jay hugged me tightly.
"Everything will be all right, Aiden...
I know how it feels to lose a parent, but remember that we are here for you..."
I smiled.

      Two months ago, I still can't forget what happened before. I felt like I was stabbed in the heart by an arrow... Since our palace was fixed and built again, I can't help but think that even if everything is okay now, but my father isn't here... I miss seeing my father walking in the hallway and scolding me because I'm running in the hallway like a child because I'll be late to an important event. Maybe even so, he still appreciate and love me secretly... Sometimes, I think... maybe I'm the reason why my father died and why it happened to him... "Brother?" Michelle slowly opened the door and approached me. "For you." She handed me the paper she was holding.
"I drew that for you." She pointed to someone in the drawing. "This is you and dad, cooking. He's teaching you to cook. This is me, hiding and peeking. I'm secretly laughing because of the mess you did in the kitchen." She laughs and I smile. "I did that so that even if dad is gone, you will still remember him and, so that you won't be sad anymore." She smiles widely.
"Thank you, Michelle." I hugged her and couldn't help, but cry. She left the room and walked away. I put Michelle's drawing in the drawer, but suddenly everything lit up and I saw my mother. "I-Is that you, mother?" I asked surprisely.
"Aiden, my son... I can only stay for a moment, but I have something important to tell you. I am the reason why the Portal always appears in front of you. I guide you and protect you because of that. I took you to another world to discover and know life there. And of course, so that you can meet someone who will love you and understand your problem when you have no one to talk to since I am not by your side. I was the chosen keeper of the wolves when I passed away. Now, I will give you my power. The Portal. You can control it whenever you want. Remember, I am always by your side and always watching over you. Before I forget, you need to go to a house to find out who that woman really is. I will guide you to that place. I love you so much, my child... and I will always will..." She immediately disappeared and the lights vanished. I searched for everyone to let them know what had happened.

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