Lilly-chan is here againnn

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A/N: Holly shit there are a lot of chapters now- Like wow-

Guess what? On Saturday I got my friend into TBHK, she binge-watched the entire series last night even though there was school today XD 

Also, I'm running out of pics to use for the chapter headings so that's why I'm using tbhk on cracks and stuff like that for them XD

My friend choose to draw a dick on my arm the other day and my mom asked what it was and I told her it was scissors from the Misaki stairs. Hahahahahhahaha Kay I'll get to the point.

Do I...

A: Continue this series?

B: End it.

I've decided what I'm going to do, but I want to see what you all think I should do.

TBHK CHOOSE YOUR OWN STORY! -HANAKO X FEMALE READER-  -Ended-Where stories live. Discover now