Chapter 3

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'Why was he staring at me?'

 Randy looked over at an enthusiastic Oliver, who was practically dragging him over to the funfair entrance. He was still curious about what happened on the subway.

'I mean- he said he was spacing out, right? what if he's lying-oh god I hope I don't have some sort of sludge on my face?- or maybe blood? no I haven't gotten hurt yet today- why would Oliver lie to me-probably because its funny-no he didn't lie, I have no reason to think he did-oh shit what if he-'

With his free hand Randy swatted his hair to cover his forehead more. Hoping it would hide the bandage better.

"Hey there Jerry!!' Oliver waved enthusiastically at the tried looking man in the booth.

"Hello Oliver...and Randy...? Didn't know you guys knew each other" Jerry raised an eyebrow.

"Of course! Randy here is a bodacious guy, why wouldn't I know him?" Oliver smiled  then pulled out his wallet from his jeans pocket.

'oh fuck'

Randy had completely forgot money was a thing, and a thing he needed. Damn Capitalism. He desperately began patting his pockets, willing for a measly two dollars to appear. Coins would even do.

"Alright Jerry, Two groovy tickets for 2 groovy dudes" Oliver pulled out 4 dollars and slid it to Jerry.


Randy sighed in relief. Then felt Oliver's arm loop through his, he must have missed the last bit of the transaction. Oliver pulled him through the gates.

 After weaving through the crowds they eventually found a small clearing by the fence.

"Alrighty, we're here! whatcha wanna do now?" Oliver looked up at Randy, who had the fear of god in his eyes.

"I...uh- I- I'm not sure?...sorry I just...." Randy fidgeted with his hands "I-I haven't been here for a while- I don't really remember what's here- and last time I was here was just-" He sighs
"s-sorry, you probably don't want to hear it, wh-what do you want to do??" 

"No no, you're cool dude, but back to the topic.....hmmmm... how do you feel about....." Oliver scanned his surroundings "That!" he pointed at the rollercoaster "what do ya think Randal?"

What did he think? he thought it was scary and awful and there's a 100% chance that he would die on that, 'but what if I say no and he just leaves me here alone, god I don't want to be here by myself, that might be worse than dying'  "...sureeee......"Randy replied with great hesitation.

"Sick!" Oliver began walking to the coaster like he was on a mission to deliver a message to the Queen (rip lmao). Randy followed behind him looking down at the ground hoping to not make awkward eye contact with anyone, especially a particularly mean three year old or a larger than normal rat.

 Randy's heart dropped to his ass as they got in line to the rollercoaster. He started to greatly regret his choices, 'maybe I'm okay with losing the probably only chance of making a good friend, I don't know how worth it this is, the swans can maybe be my friends, or the brain eating amoeba that's probably in the pond water, I'm okay with that-'

"So...." Oliver started, cutting through Randy's thoughts "If you don't particularly mind me asking, what happened last time you were here?" He looked at Randy with curiosity.

"Um....I....I-I was involved in an accident here- th-thats all." Randy picked at the bandages on his hands .

"Oh, did a ride malfunction or something?"

"no....Lets n-not worry about it, um- so... What... have you been doing lately??"
'great- small talk, made myself do small talk'

"Okay...? Well I actually been trying to make a movie! been kinda struggling on script though"

The line moved forward. 

"A-a movie? about what? what genre?" 

"Not too sure yet, I have a couple ideas. But preferably some sort of tragedy and or romance" Oliver shrugs "If all else fails I could always do a porno" he joked.

"A what-why-" Randy snapped his head to look at Oliver. 
"What? what's with that tone? Do you think the people don't want to see my rockin bod?"

"I-I....." Randy's face flushed and he turned away "I- I'm not gonna answer that-"

"See! You cant even deny my stell- oh wait were next" Oliver grabbed Randy's arm "lets go!"

To say the least, Randy and Oliver had very different enjoyment levels on the ride.

Randy stumbled off the ride to the nearest fence, holding onto it like the ground would swallow him whole if he didn't  "I-I'm either gonna vomit, piss myself, or die, or all three..." he groaned.

Oliver patted his back gently "...I don't think you'll die, maybe the other two, but not dying"

"I wish it was the dying..." Randy whined


 He took a deep breath "I-I think I'll be ok-"Randy straightened up a bit, then doubled over. He was not okay, he puked.

Oliver stepped back to avoid getting in the splash zone of the vomit.
"oh yikes-" 

Randy fell to his knees and gripped the fence again. The world was spinning all around him. 
God why did he agree to the rollercoaster, why couldn't he just suggest the merry-go-round instead. This is god punishing him for making poor choices. He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned.

Oliver moved closer to him "Do you want me to take you home?"

Fuck. Home? God that place would just add to the nausea.
"N-no...I...I'll be o-okay.." He slowly started to lift himself off the ground. "I-I'm sorry f-for ruining this"

"Don't apologize, I'm the one who suggested the coaster in the first place, now" Oliver hoisted Randy the rest of the way up "how about we cut this short and chill at my place, watch a movie, and probably get you out of those grody jeans because you were just sitting in vomit" 

"A-are you sure?" Randy spoke weakly, swaying a bit.

"Of course man, c'mon" Oliver wrapped an arm around Randy and guided him to the exit.

Everyone say thank you to my friend for throwing
 Olandy at me, the brainrot is kicking back in.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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