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Week have already passed and the two senators are still not getting along. Issa always feel sad whenever the two senators meet, they never smiled at each other or talked unless when they were being asked about their opinions at the senate sessions.

It's Issa's birthday, this day supposed to be her day off but there's a sudden change of schedule and decided to spend her day at the senate.

While she's at her desk doing her work, a woman suddenly approach her, "Happy birthday to you~" she sang.

A smile curved in Issa lips, she puts down her pen and slowly look up and saw Ivy holding a small size cake. She stood up, "Ang cute naman niya-" Issa said,

"hipan mo na kaya, nakakangalay oh" Ivy cuts her. Issa chuckled, she close her eyes to make a wish and slowly blow the candle.

After blowing the candle, she put the cake on Issa's desk and hug her "Happy birthday, siztah!" Ivy greeted. "Thank you, pa-paano mo pala nalaman eh wala naman akong pinagsasabihan dito?" Issa asked as she pulled out of the hug.

"Ah Nakalkal ko kase sa table ni Senator yung resume mo nung nakaraan habang nagaayos ako" Ivy said while walking back into her desk.

"Ikaw ah, bakit ka kumakalkal sa desk ni Miss Senator pero salamat sa cake, Ivs!" she said as she took the cake.

Ivy smirked, "May pinapahanap kase siya sakin nun" she lied. Issa nodded, "Tago ko muna, mamaya ko nalang kakainin" she chuckled as she  put it on the little refrigerator they have inside the office.

After that she go back to her desk and finish her works, minutes later The great Senator Imee has arrived. "Good morning, Ms. Imee!" they greeted, "Morning." she said in a serious way without looking at the two and directly went into her desk.

Ivy immediately handed her the papers she needed to sign while Issa was just standing beside her holding a notebook, pen and her cellphone.

"Issa, cancel all my appointments today" she said as she's still not looking at her, Issa nodded "Okay po... Is that all, ma'am?" Imee didn't utter any word she just raised her brow instead as a sign of a yes.

Issa nodded and immediately went back into her desk together with Ivy, "Mukhang wala ata sa mood si miss senator ngayon" she whispered. Ivy chuckles "Anong mukha? wala talaga siya sa mood" she corrected.

"Bakit kaya?" she asked, Ivy look at he with a confused face "Ay teh, hindi mo alam?" she answered her back in a question. Issa shook her head, "Lagi siyang wala sa mood kapag ganitong araw ng taon kasi it's her daughter's birthday the same day na nawala din yung anak niya, many years ago" Ivy spills.

"Oh my, kaya pala" Issa sadly said, Ivy look at her, "Oh! Magkabirthday pala kayo ni Taliah, yung anak ni Senator" she said.

Issa was too stunned to speak, "Hay nako, tama na nga ang tsismis mag trabaho na muna tayo" Ivy added as she chuckles.

Imee, on the other hand, heard it all, the conversation of Issa and Ivy. They were whispering but she can still hear them. She's just ignore it and not mad about being the topic of others around her. for god sake, she's immune to it for the past 30 years and doesn't want to give a damn.

But at some other thoughts, Ivy was right after all, this day is very important to her because its her daughter's birthday yet it is also the most painful day of her life because it was the same day her daughter went missing.

The day it happened her world suddenly collapsed, she couldn't understand what she feels, as there are no word in this world that can describe the excruciating pain. She couldn't think straight, her mind was full of questions, questions even the people around her can't answer. She actually blamed herself about the incident, not just herself but also her husband, Tommy.

Pains from the past still lingers her heart and her mind. It was indeed a very traumatic experience of her life, she lost a father, she lost a daughter at the same time she also lost her husband whom she believes left her.


It was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Imee decided fix her things because she needed to attend an event at Marcos Med. The same hospital were the kidnapping happened.

Every April of the year, they, the Marcoses still celebrate the birthday of the missing marcos grandchild.

Since she heard the conversation of Ivy and Issa earlier, she planned to bring Issa at the event today. She went out of the office to search for Issa, there she find her there clicking her pen while reading some papers. By looking at her a memory suddenly came through her mind.

It was during her college days with her boyfriend on the school library preparing for the bar exam as they were both in the law department.

Imee was busy reading the lessons she need to review when she heard a sound of a clicking pen and suddenly got distracted her from what she was reading. She look up only to find her boyfriend, Tommy was the one making the noise while also reading a book.

She raised a brow waiting for him to noticed her, Tommy turn his head before his eyes on her and did an confusing look. Imee rolled her eyes, "Can you stop doing that?" she asked him.

"Ang alin?" He replied, teasing her. She put down her book with a scowl on her face, she took her pen beside her and did the same thing as he did, "This!" she said, Tommy put down his pen as he saw her being irritated about what he did.

He took her hand and slightly remove the pen she was holding, "Okay, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to distract you, Ga" he smiled. She looked at his hand holding hers.

Imee didn't utter anyword, she immediately took out her hand from his as she didn't want to be showy in public.

She took her book again and level it to her face to hide her blushing cheeks, "Ukinam! you really know how to make me calm with just your touch and sweet smile!" she thought and a smile curved on her lips.

Tommy sligthly put down her book, Imee immediately change her expression, "Ano nanaman?" she irritatedly asked

"Don't cover your face with your book, Ga" he said, Imee look at him confused "Huh? Why?" she asked. He gave her a small smile, "Cause I like seeing your beautiful face" he said.

Imee rolled her eyes, again, "Sus, kahit kailan talaga bolero ka" she said as she remove his hand on top of her book, he chuckles "Hay nako, magbasa ka na ngalang jan!" she added.

She came back into her senses when a fan suddenly blew her hair into her face. She blinked her eyes and immediately fix her hair. "Nako Imee sa lahat ng maiisip yung tao pa talagang yun ha" she thought. She rolled her eyes and went to Issa.

"Issa?" she called her, Issa smiled "Yes, miss senator? do you need something po?" Issa asked her. Imee shook her head, "Wala naman, pero..." she said.

Issa gulped, "A-Ano po yun, miss senator?" she nervously said as she feels Imee's aura. Since earlier this morning she not in the mood and she was nervous to talk to her or be near her on the reason that she might get scold by her. trauma from that senator in the hallway.

Imee can sense that she was quite nervous, "Busy ka ba ngayon? Isasama kase sana kita may event tayong pupuntahan" she said. Issa shook her head, "hindi naman po miss senator, sige po" she replied.

She gave her a small smile, "Good. I want you to get ready, aalis na tayo now na" she said. Issa was surprised to see Imee smile at her, she thought the senator was not on the mood today.

She nodded and Imee went back into her desk to get her belongings. As soon as the two are done on their things, they proceeded walking out of the Senate.


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