eight: nasaan ka man

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(Two years after the incident.)

Mariano was sitting in the couch, playing with his daughter, "Pa-pa!" He says as he was trying to teach the baby say the word "Papa". The little cutie smiled and tried copying his word, "Ahmpphaa" she cutely uttered.

He enjoyed teaching and playing his two year old daughter, Issa.

He stroke her nose-bridge, "Papa, anak. Pa...pa" he says softly. She giggles, "Apa-Apa!" she cutely exclaimed.

"Nak, hindi "Ahmppha" o "Apa-Apa". "Papa" yun, nak.  Pa...pa" he says desperately teaching the child.

Little Issa cutely giggles, "Ah...pah!"she tries again.

Mariano sighed, "Nak naman... sige bukas try natin ah" he said while stroking her back. He kissed her forehead and went into the kitchen to make a milk for his daughter.


He was about to get the powdered milk when he heard Issa shout, he runs into her and carried her in his arms.

"Anong sabi mo, nak? Papa?" He says trying to make her repeat what she just said.

She giggles, "Pap-pa" she cutely repeated.


"I'm Atty. Tomas Manotoc... I'm the father of the child you kidnapped twenty eight years ago."

Mariano's eyes widened, he could not believe that he is now facing Issa's biological father. He silently pray to God asking for forgiveness to all his wrong-doings from his past.

"S-sir... p-patawad po" he apologized. He's nervous knowing that his an Attorney, he can bring him to jail any moment now.

Finally after years of searching he found him, he finally found the guy who took his child away. He don't know what to feel right now. Mixed emotions, he doesn't know if he's happy because he can now meet his  daughter or be mad at him for kidnapping his daughter or he should pitying him for his condition right now.

"Asan ang anak ko?" He directly asked.

He swallowed a lump on his throat, "Kaka-alis lang p-po nya, sir! P-please po w-wag nyo po a-kong ik-kulong. Magpapaliwanag po ak" He said as he cries.

Tommy didn't know what to say, he immediately went out to search for his daughter hoping that he could still catch her inside the building.

He felt deja vu, this was exactly what happened twenty eight years ago in the same place when his searching for the man who took his child but the difference is now he is only searching for his daughter.


Issa just arrived at the auditorium. The gift giving has already started, she roamed her eyes around and caught her boss giving gifts to the children with a wide smile. She never saw this side of Imee as she always seen her— professional and bitchesa inside the office room.

She looked at the other people beside her boss who is also doing the same thing. The girl with the short silvered hair was her boss's sister, Doctora Irene and the guy whom she remembered the one who checked his father earlier, Doctor Matthew. As she observes them, she realized that the guy beside Imee is her son.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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