a walk home | emmetstyle

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‼️‼️ HII! ITS 26TH APRIL 2022 MAE! The order of these chapters are mixed up so the author notes might not make sense. But now the events are in order of when they would happen in my AU's timeline! ‼️‼️

request from meowleah
Takes place a few weeks after apocalypseburg was formed

Lucy POV:
It was a Saturday afternoon in the gloomy town we had to call home. It had been a month or two since the duplo's attacked, they kept destroying everything and coming back to destroy what we rebuilt. Many were losing hope since the Justice Leauge went to find the aliens and we hadn't heard from them in ages and Batman was out on some mission in Gotham. Everything wasn't awesome.

It was now up to mainly up to my newly made friends and I to keep everyone safe. Benny and metalbeard had been working on new weapons to use when the duplo's came and attacked again, they called emmet and I over to help test some of these weapons as they weren't willing to do it alone, scaredy cats. Emmet and I walked over to their workshop at about 3pm to help them out.

They had been working on alot, I noticed Benny had a robotic arm too- I hoped whatever happened to his normal arm wasn't the aftermath of testing his own creations. Metalbeard handed me a flamethrower and gave me things to shoot at with it. I hadn't used one in a few years.

Emmet was given a large crossbow, I supposed he didn't know how to use it as he looked quite nervous when he had been just holding it.

Benny and Metalbeard continued to create things as we trialed out the equipment, I had finished trying out the flamethrower and moved on to a crossbow similar to emmet's though it appeared to be more complex. Time had passed and emmet was still figuring how to work the machinery, he seemed practically hopeless, he also seemed even more stressed and nervous, I had enough of seeing him like this so I walked over and I showed him how to use it.

I had been having this same nightmare alot lately where it was emmet jumping out of the think tank, risking his life for everyone. He had looked so hopeless at first sight though he ended up being capable of more then we thought he was, he ended up be capable of more then what he thought he was. He helped me realise Batman wasn't the right fit for me, he may of known that but I don't think he knew that he helped me realise I may of liked him instead. Even though when batman left me, clearly saying that he was the hero I deserved, neither of us had said anything about being more then friends, like...ever. and it was quite obvious that he liked me starting from the way he looked at me when we first met and how he gets flustered and nervous when I'm around and the way he always complements me.... The longer we go without saying anything about it the more awkward the moment where we do become more then friends will end up being. I had to do something.

It got late and emmet and I decided we would head back to the bunker that a quarter of the town had been living in for the past few weeks.
It must of been later then we thought as nobody was on the streets and most lights were off, meaning it was dead silent. also meaning things got awkward quite quickly as nothing was happening. It wasnt helping that we were slowly getting lost as there wasn't many landmarks, the landmarks that we once had were destroyed.

"Do you know where we're going?" Emmet said, breaking the silence.

"I was going wherever you were, it's too dark to see anything" I replied

"I'm hopeless, don't rely on me" He said, turning to look at me

It was quite late at night, I didn't have much of an idea of what I was saying.

"That won't change my feelings."

His eyes widened. "Hm?"

I realised what I said.

"Oh- uh it doesn't matter."

"No matter how many times you don't repeat what you said before it won't change my feelings either"

He did hear what I said.

"You seemed quite flustered when you first met me"

"Yeah.....about that....how come you were fine with leaving batman?"

"Well...I was hoping you'd get the impression that liked you more."

"O-Oh... I don't know what makes you like me more, I'm quite weak.....I dont know much about things......I stand out in a way that isn't necessarily good, and I suck at changing with the times or whatever unikitty was talking about."

I couldn't see much in the dark though I could see a tear coming out of his eye.
I walked to him and held his hand, looking at the sidewalk Infront of us.

"I think I recognise the area, it should be a few more roads ahead."

"Thank you for being so kind to me Lucy"

He said, using his free hand to wipe the tear out of his eye.
I looked at him as I smiled.

In all that was happening I don't think we noticed that we were slowly moving towards eachother, the space between us got smaller as I held his other hand

I think he had finally come to the realisation of what was happening.

He looked quite nervous, though I'm sure that feeling wouldn't last long.

More space between us left. His hands went around my hips, as I put his hand around his neck. Soon enough there wasn't really any space between us, he seemed so nervous.

our lips brushed against eachother, only for him to be the one who actually kissed me, to my surprise. I deepened the kiss.

I felt like I made the right decision leaving batman, and having the awkward conversation that we did only moment ago, though that didn't matter.

We never got time to ourselfs nowaday which is probably the reason why this didn't happen sooner.
I wanted this moment to last forever.

I stopped to catch my breath, then I kissed him again, because why not.

Soon enough he broke the kiss, to assumingly catch his own breath. I stared at him, he stared at me.

I smiled at him, he smiled at me.

"Does this make us more then friends?"
I said, hoping I wasn't making this too awkward. I just needed to ask him it. I had been thinking about it for ages now, it felt like the right time.

"If you want it to, then yes"

I went back to holding his hands, continuing to look at him.

"Then that's settled."

"I'll make you more happier then you've ever been!"

"Don't let the aliens take you away, that's the main thing."

He laughed.

"Like I told you, I think I recognise the area. Come on."

We walked home, holding hands still, I had my head rested on his shoulder the whole time, I don't think we would get more time like this so I wanted to make the most of it.

"Love you ems"
"Love you too"


A/N: 1257 word count! Ehhh!! I hope its good, i haven't wrote much like this before, I spent longer then I expected- re-reading this it seems like everything happened quite fast, i may rewrite this in the future. I tried to make it as less awkward as possible, whilst trying to make it seem like it was actually them. my battery is getting low so I should probably do something about that. Mae out!

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