welcome | emmetsyle

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this is a high school au!!
I was so out of ideas, emmet & rex are twins (Larry the barista is their older brother, maya jane do be putting up with 3 overprotective brothers).
tw: cheating.
Ive had this idea in my head for ages now, just take it.


"And then- she broke the part of the spaceship we needed the most!" Benny exclaimed. He was walking down the main hallway with his two best friends, emmet, sweet mayhem and unikitty.

"If you were to start a petition to stop teachers from choosing who you do projects with then I'd totally sign it" Sweets replied.

"Me too!"
"Me three"

"Emmet!!" A voice could be heard from the distance, the 15 year old turned to see a certain woman.


"Oh-hey Gail!"

"Hey bestie! How are you? I'm doing fine. What are you doing with these freaks?"

"Oh- um... don't be to harsh on them."

"Tch. You promised me you'd stop hanging out with these misfits."

She proceeded to kick Sweet's ankles, making her drop the papers they were delivering to the maths classroom.

"Watch your mouth, Emmet! Do something!"

"U-Uh... Gail- leave them alone....please"

"Whatever, we're hanging out on the weekend. Like it or not"


She flipped her hair, walking off in a sassy fashion.

"I still can't believe your friends with her!" Unikitty said.

"I know she's not a good person, but I can't get around to leaving her, she was my first friend.....ever"

"Whatever you say, help me pick these papers up."

They cleaned up the small mess that had been made, making their way over to the English classroom.

"Hm? Why is the door locked? Ms Stud said it would be open."

"Move, I know what to do." Said Sweet's, doing the old "pick lock with a hair pin" technique.

"And thats how you girlboss, Benny."

He rolled his eyes.

The 4 walked inside. Noticing a certain bat and shapeshifter in the corner of the room.

"Oh brick" was unikitty's first reaction.

Batman noticed the 4.

"Uh- you bunch! Tell wildgirl anything and you'll regret it."

"Who?" Watevra replied.

"h-his girlfriend" Sweet replied.


"Dont listen to them, they think I have a girlfriend. I used to like her, moved onto you"

Sweets dropped the paper on the desk. 3 of them ran away. Benny stayed for a seccond later.

"Uh- you know watevs, I think I left my phone in the English classroom! Let me go get it."
He ran off, opposite to the 3. No explanation for why, yet.

The 3 found wyldstyle trying to tell her what they saw. She wasnt willing to give a f^ck. The 3 had been telling her for ages that something was really sketchy about her relationship with batman.

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