Chapter 1: Gone

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"What do you mean you can't find her? Where did she go?" Ramee exclaims, voicing cracking. "Where is she Ricardo?!?"

"I don't know Ramee, I can't find her. She's not picking up her phone," Ricardo says. "She was supposed to be waiting on the shore."

"Ping me, right now, 216, now Ricardo!"

"Okay okay, I'm pinging, did you get it?"

Without saying a word, Ramee hangs up the phone and hops on the jet ski speeding back towards the shore.

Randy, Ray, Carmella and everyone else watch as he speeds off.

"What's happening?" Carmella asks,"Is everything okay?"

"Ummm I don't know," Randy says,"Let me check" as he radios the gang. "Yo Ramee, what's going on, where'd you go?"

He gets no answer.

"April is missing," Ramee says over the radio a few minutes later.

"What?" "Missing?" "April?" suddenly comes through the radio, everyone is speaking over each other trying to figure out what's happening.

"I don't know, but I'm trying to find her right now."

"Bro, can we help? What do you need us to do?"

"If you want to start searching, grab a car and just look everywhere. We don't know where she would've gone."

"You got it, we're heading to shore now."

The boys and Ray all pile into the boat, carrying each other so they don't have to make multiple trips.

"Do you think someone took her or do you think she just left, like maybe she just wandered off?" Mr. K asks the group.

"I don't think she would leave, I mean it's her party and she seemed pretty excited," Randy says, "I think someone took her to be honest, but who? Didn't you guys have issues with the Ballas the other day?"

"Nah couldn't be them, we had a meeting and we squashed it," K answers.

"Mmm, I don't know then to be honest, but we'll find her. She'll be alright."

"She has to be," Big D says. "You know what's going to happen if she's not."

All the boys chime in, "Ramee will lose it."

"We left her on the shore while Ricardo drove me and Lucas to the boat. He was going right back to her," Ray says. "This is our fault, we shouldn't have left her alone."

"Nah it's not your fault Ray. It should've been safe. Who would mess with April?" Randy tries to reassure her.

Meanwhile with Ramee

*ring ring*

'April pick up, pick up"



"She's not answering her phone," he says to Ricardo. "I don't know where she would go, we've gone to all her usual spots. Maldini's, UwU, Hayes, Little Seoul... is there any where else you think she might go?"

"No, I can't think of anything. I really think someone might've taken her, she wouldn't just leave like that when it would've been like 5 mins for me to pick her up. She didn't take a car either, so she wouldn't have gone far."

"But WHO? Who would take her? She doesn't do anything to anyone for them to have a reason to kidnap her like this," Ramee says. "There's literally no reason for someone to fucking take her."

"I know but do you really think she would just leave when her party was right about to start and SHE WAS ALREADY THERE!" Ricardo screams back at him.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to yell," Ramee apologizes. "I know it's not your fault, I just...I'm worried. I don't want anything to happen to her, ya know?"

"I know, Ramee, trust me I know. Probably more than you think, but she'll be alright." Ricardo says. "And if she isn't then we fuck whoever hurt her up." Holding his sledgehammer close,"You know I'm ready to take them out on sight."

"I know, I know...they better not fuck with her."

"I need to start making some calls and see if anyone has seen her. Can you tweet out that she's missing?"

"Already on it, bestie. Already on it," Ricardo says.


"We need to regroup with the gang and figure out where she could be or who would take her. I can't stand this driving around shit."

Radioing the gang, Ramee says "Hey, let's meet back at Little Seoul."

"Okay, we'll see you there," K says.

In a dark, damp tunnel..

"Help!!" April tries to yell through the gag tied around her mouth. "Help!"

It's so dark, she can't see anything clearly down here.

'Ramee, I need you. I'm scared and I need you, please find me."


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