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That evening I sat in front of the fireplace cuddling with George wearing his Weasley jumper sipping a cup of hot chocolate, imagining my future with him when Fred came in through the portrait.

"The whole world know she belongs to you. There is no need for you to parade her in your arms or brand her with your jumper." Fred sat on the couch beside me, he was grumpy today. In the next few minutes, the whole Weasley clan was there along with Harry, Hermione and Lee. We sat in silence staring at the fire. Fred saw the cup of hot chocolate in my hand and immediately grabbed it. In one big gulp and he emptied my cup. That was rude.

George glared at Fred and Fred in turn glared back. Why was Fred in a foul mood? Lee on the other hand looked unusually cheerful. "What did Johnson do?" I eyed the two boys.

"She wants someone like George!" Wait what! What did she want? "After all these years now, she wants a serious relationship! We were having so much fun together! You ruined it for us! Being in love with one person all your life, it's just not me! Variety is the spice of life!" Fred ranted. I was taken aback by the accusation while George on the other hand kept staring at the fire like nothing was happening.

"Oh, calamity has struck! My poor brother could not find a fair maiden to entertain him in bed tonight." Ginny mocked as the group burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at Granger, would you like to fill in? I won't disappoint." Fred winked at Hermione. She immediately stopped laughing as color rose in her cheeks. Ron held his breath. She hurled a book in Fred's direction! "Not in a million years Weasley!" she said as Ron started to breathe again. Harry had noticed Ron's reaction too, he looked around to see if anyone else had caught that. When his eyes met mine, I quickly nodded my head, he seemed delighted at the prospect of Ron and Hemione getting together.

Fred on the other hand continued to mumble inaudible abuses at George. I rubbed my palm on Fred's thigh in an attempt to comfort him. Fred immediately caught my arm and pulled up my sleeve to reveal a 'GW' sketched in ink on the back of my wrist. I remembered George drawing on me as I read an article on Quidditch a couple of hours ago. Fred scowled at George "Disgusting! Might as well have the words George Weasley inked on her forehead and make Dumbledore announce it at every meal!"

"Maybe add a tag to her hand too, that reads this is the property of George Fabian Weasley, if found please return to the Gryffindor common room at the earliest." Lee chimed in. Now the group laughed at us.

"That sounds like a plan." George joked.

I quickly pulled down my sleeve to cover my wrist. I heard multiple gasps round the fireplace. It took me a moment to realize what was going on. As I pulled the sleeve down a portion of my bare neck and shoulder was exposed. The whole group now stared at my exposed neck. What was there? I ran my fingers on my skin I didn't feel anything. I eyed the marks on my bare shoulder. Fuck!

"You sure love leaving marks on her don't you Georgie?" Fred grinned. George somehow knew exactly what Fred was referring to. He bought his sweater over his mouth to cover his smirk. That was really mature of him. Then it struck me! Bloody hell! George had seen it before and didn't bother to warn me. All eyes were on me. How bad was it?

"It's all black and blue! Does it hurt?" Ginny sounded concerned.

Harry jumped on his feet glaring at George. "Why would you hurt her like that?" Harry yelled, his wand drawn. He was so clueless at times! George tried his best not to laugh. Lee and Fred were rolling on the ground laughing.

"That's what happens when you spend all your time obsessing over Voldemort, Quidditch and break away criminals." Lee said between laughs. Hermione and Ginny smirked at me while Ron was as lost as Harry. "She begged me for it." Came George's reply. What! I turned towards him and covered his outstretched arm in playful slaps. He caught my arms and pulled me close to his face "I warned you that you'll regret it, didn't I?" he said and planted a quick peck on my lip.

"Harry, I assure you that I am fine," were my last words before I dashed back to my dorm. The Gryffindors tried their best to prevent me from leaving, but with or without my broomstick I was good at dodging people. I barged into my dorm only to find Cho and Cedric right in the middle of a make out session. They continued with their business not minding my presence. Any other day I would have just covered my eyes and gone to bed, but today I needed to talk with Cho. "Cho!" I yelled. No response. I couldn't wait. I walked towards her bed and towered over the two of them staring at every move. I began to feel the heat.

Cedric groaned as he saw me there and broke the kiss. I had to seize opportunity. I wrapped my hand around semi-naked Cho's waist, pulled her off him and dragged her to the washroom with me. "I bloody hate you Nat!" I heard Cedric call out.

How do I get rid of this? I pulled my shirt off my shoulder exposing black and blue marks that ran from the tip of my face almost till the edge of my right shoulder. Cho winced as soon at her eyes fell on it. It looked gross. With one flick of her wand Cho got rid of all the marks leaving me spotless. That was easy! The next day I woke an off-shoulder top as I skipped in front of my ginger boyfriend. He was disappointed to find his artwork missing.

In the next couple of weeks, I realized that Fred was right, George did not leave an opportunity to brand me as his. He held my hand every second we were together, he sat with me at the Ravenclaw table for half his meals and every single night we cuddled in bed. I liked every aspect of it, it gave me a sense of belonging. I grew closer to Fred and Lee too due to the amount of time I spent in their dorm. The twins experimented for their joke store products was the only time I left their dorm. Their ideas were brilliant, but I couldn't bring myself to help them create products to help young students get out of class or aid potential bullies. I made a small batch of lust tonic for them in my weakest hour. That was George's fault. One evening he walked in dressed in Quidditch gear with his beater bat slung over his shoulder and whispered things he would do to me if I nailed the tonic. I ignored the ache between my legs and instantly got to work. I earned my reward, but I regretted my decision not long after.

My fellow Ravenclaws were not thrilled on having one of Hogwart's best pranksters spend majority of his time in their living quarters. I couldn't blame them, George often attempted to disrupt Ravenclaw study sessions by throwing impromptu parties which mainly comprised of him dancing alone on the sofa, when that did not work, he made all our books fly out of the window. Even after being hit with twenty-four stunning curses at the same instance, he remained unfazed. One evening he induced Snape's pheromones to the lust tonic and spiked our water cooler! That did not go well, along with six months of detention with Snape he was earned a lifetime ban from the Ravenclaw tower. 'Stun at sight' order was issued for any Weasley who set a foot in the Ravenclaw dwelling. It did nothing to stop George from flying into my dorm every night. We often went on double dates with Cho and Cedric. Fred joined us on one of our double dates uninvited. When Cho insisted that he had to have a partner to sit at our table he seduced the first stranger who walked into the three broomsticks. It turned out to be a triple date!

The make out sessions were the highlight of any day. I found his tongue stuck down my throat in dusty broom cupboards, empty classrooms and even in an empty staff room one time! Like the library turned me on the most for George it was Snape's potions cabinet. Once while in there he moaned my name so loud that I jumped in fright and knocked off an entire shelf of potions. I soon realized that he had an unsaid boundary he never crossed, I wondered why?

Weasley and me ( A George Weasley Story )Where stories live. Discover now