Ch 1: Grim reaper, the Immortal & the Escape King?

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Asirpa led Sugimoto and his new bear cub to her kotan after dealing with soldiers from the 7th division.  As soon as they entered the village many children happily greeted the pair, surprising the older male. He held the bear closer to his chest while he followed Asirpa, "They don't seem scared of me at all?" he wondered aloud. "The Ainu are curious people, they tend to like new things," she answered him casually. Along the way, Sugimoto noticed some of the children started to run in the opposite direction, his eye's followed their small forms as they crossed a path that led to a hut that had a somewhat different structure than the others. Wind chimes hung above a small porch by the closed front door flap. But before he could investigate further Asirpa came to a stop grabbing his attention. An elderly woman met them in front of a larger hut silently smiling at them. 

"Huci, my grandmother on my mother's side." She introduced making the solder respectfully remove his cap and bow, "Its a pleasure ma'am."  Huci invited him in, much to his relief, the journey so far had been an arduous one. However, he was more worried about overstaying his welcome. Asirpa reassured him that it was fine and that her grandmother was an important figure in the village so there wouldn't be any trouble. "Besides, everyone is more curious about you than anything. See for yourself." Sugimoto glanced back towards the front door to see the children peaking out with eyes full of wonder. He then turned towards the window behind him to see more villagers looking at him. He awkwardly smiled while chuckling, it wasn't the response he was expecting really.

"You're the second sisam Asirpa has ever brought home. Like him, we will welcome you as a guest." Huci smiled at the older man, of course, he didn't speak ainu so he looked to his younger companion for help. Asirpa nodded, "There is another sisam or Japanese, who comes and goes from here. I met him about 6 months back, though I'm not sure if he's been around lately." This piqued Sugimoto's interest making him sit a little straighter as he cradled his baby(I literally love this man). "Really? What's his-" Before he could finish his sentence the calling of children rang outside the home. Some of the kids who were watching by the entrance gasped and ran towards the source outside.  "Oh, he has returned from the town."  Huci grinned as she started to prepare a seat for the new arrival. When the children's laughter grew closer Sugimoto could hear another voice among them. A voice that sounded much older and had a certain smoothness to it. 

"Alright! Alright! Here, I knew you little ones would be hungry, now leave me be! I have to speak with Huci!" The voice said in ainu as they finally pushed open the flap. "Huci I've brought some more herbs, but I'm afraid the children have taken all my..."  Sugimoto sat frozen in his spot when his light brown orbs met (ec).  They too stood still at the front entrance, both taking in the appearance of the other. Sugimoto was the first to break from his strange trance when he felt the bear cub start to claw at his chest. The person raised their brows in surprise before looking at the solders cap that sat on the man's head. They felt their blood run cold as they watched the male fuss with the cub in his arms, what was a soldier doing here?

"Asirpa... Is everything alright?"  Both Huci and said girl looked back at the standing figure, who seemed to have paled at the sight of their new visitor. Asirpa nodded back calmly. "Yes everything is fine, this man is not like the others. I trust him." Although hesitant the figure shifted their stance as they stepped further into the hut. "Come and greet our new guest Kinjo-nispa." Huci met their side and took their cloak from their shoulders. Smiling down at the old woman's kindness they followed her to the empty spot at the end of the fire pit. Once seated the person finally met Sugimoto's gaze once again with a  reluctant but polite smile. 

"I take it you don't speak Ainu?" They asked jokingly making the soldier shake his head. "Fraid not, though you seem to speak it just fine." Asirpa playfully rolled her eyes towards them, "Bearly, he still speaks with a thick accent it's embarrassing really." This made the person pout  while adjusting their rounded glasses, "TO  be fair I learned this language in like three months, so you should give me some credit brat." He laughed at the annoyed expression on the younger girl's face before taking out a wooden pipe. "Anyways, allow me to introduce myself. My name's Kinjo, Kinjo Atsushi. I'm just a traveling physician, nothing special really." He bowed his head towards Sugimoto who in return tipped his hat, "Sugimoto Saichi, a pleasure to meet you."  Both nodded at the introductions as Huci gave them refreshments. Kinjo lazily fiddled with the wooden object while stealing glances at the other male. Sugimoto took notice of this but chose to feign ignorance as Huci began to speak. 

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