Waffle sex

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*mature content no underage readers*
of course you're gonna read this anyway

I step into the flat and lock the door. It's quiet, maybe a little TOO quiet. "Michaela?" I yell. No response. I look down the hallway and notice one light is on. It's in the kitchen. I grab the closest thing I can find. A fork? Well... Okay... I grab the fork and creep lightly into the kitchen and find Michaela facing away from me, leaning against the counter.
"Mi-Michaela?" I stutter, staring at her stiff complexion. She slowly turns to face me, an evil smirk planted on her face. What the hell? She traces her finger over a large stack of waffles in front of her and grins.
"You're home" she says coldly. What's gotten into her?
"Yes... I'm home.... It's Wednesday... Waffle Wednesday. I see you remembered?" I ask, frightened.
"How can I forget?" She snaps, and grabs my wrist tightly.
"Let go of me!"
"I'll never let go of you..." She whispers into my ear. What is she going to do to me? Oh god. I understood completely that there might've been some lustful tension between her and I at times but this was way too much for me to handle...
She stuffed the waffles in a bag and pulled me into her room, unlocking a small door. Since when was that door there? She pushed me down the small flight of stairs and revealed a large room full of whips, chains, needles, and a concrete bed.
"Holy shi-" I barely swore, before she pushed me onto the concrete slate and strapped me to it.
"It's only beginning, my love..." She soothed, as she injected me with something strong. I felt the warmth course through my veins, and I begin to black out... See you on the other side...

*three days later*
I awaken to find myself barely clothed and still strapped onto the concrete bed. What happened? Wh-What is on me? Is that.... Syrup?
"Welcome back, sweetie" Michaela hissed into my ear, making me jump.
I opened my mouth in attempt to speak but found that only a hoarse whimper escaped my lips.
"I wouldn't even try, if I were you. I took care of your vocal chords. You won't be screaming for help any time soon." She giggled, running her hand down my arm. What the hell has gotten into her? For some strange reason, so matter how much of a sociopath she's being, she still turns me on.
She grabs the large stack of waffles and places them all over my body. I wonder what she's going to do.
She climbs onto the concrete slate and looks down at me, lifting each of the waffles off of my deprived body, causing me to shiver each time. This was all so creepy, and the feeling was all so new. I felt her run the tip of a needle down my thigh. Oh god, it felt so good, I hate to admit. I shivered beneath her touch and she jabbed the needle into my kneecap.
I screamed into her hand and tried to arch my body upward, kicking frantically. It was no use. I felt a cool rush through my veins. Oh, this was definitely a new feeling. I felt a rush of adrenaline and my body broke out into seeping hives, all of which oozing a red liquid. My... My blood...
Michaela giggled and licked her hand, gently placing it against my neck. The hives stung, more than you could ever possibly imagine.
I screeched with pain, as she grabbed another needle, this time, plunging into my left eye, causing it to turn purple and swell horribly. I was now panting and my throat stung so badly.
There's nothing I can do. Nothing for me to say. I can't escape this. I can never escape from her.
She snickered a bit and took one last needle, injecting me with a steaming hot liquid, right onto my tongue. It split in half, blood spewing from the depths of my mouth.
This was it. The point of unimaginable pain. To an extent in which it was even bliss. I will never escape this, but who said I wanted to. Who said I needed to? Although I will never get back my respect, or my dignity. I will always be with her. I will always be with my love. The one who can make me immortal. The one that hurts me, but can cure me of my pain, and through it all, I will always still love Michaela.
She finally released me from her grasp and let me collapse onto the floor.
"So long for now, dirty sl*t. See you in 29 days..." She spat, leaving me to die.
And every month,
We make some waffles...

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