Michaela's House

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After church, Michaela's parents picked us up and dropped us off at her home while they went to breakfast.
"Thank you Mr. Turecek!" I called out as they drove away. They'd be back in about two hours. That means I have at least two hours alone with my drop dead gorgeous girlfriend, Michaela.
"Rebecca!" Michaela yelled from her basement, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I'm coming!" I yelled back, hopping down the stairs and jumping next to her on the couch. "Hai" I said, kissing the top of her head. It's hard to show my affection for her, because a lot of the time, I only see her in school, and it's difficult without people judging us, and any other time, our parents are around. They wouldn't approve of us being together.
"Hey." She responded, blushing slightly and smiling, trying to look away from me. I giggled and took out my phone. She didn't even realize I was taking photos of her until she got the text notifications. God, she's adorable.
"Hey!" I heard her yell and she glared at me. "Delete those!" She screamed, laughing.
"Why not?!"
"I think they're cute."
She really did look cute. I couldn't help but think so. You could see her light freckles in every photo and her eyes seemed bright. She looked like the happiest girl in the world.
"Delete them, or else..." She threatened. What could she
Possibly do?
"Ooooo I'm sooooo frigteenneedd!" I teased, throwing my hands in the air, indicating vulnerability.
"You're going to regret that, Santos." She giggled before she pounced on top of me and sat up on me, looking down into my eyes.
"Is this supposed to be torturous? This is rather enjoyable, actually." I chuckled, looking up at her. She looked down at me and rolled her eyes. She wasn't going to do anything to me. Goodness, why do I always have to make the first move.
I placed my hand against her face and brought it down to mine, looking directly at her.
"You seriously need some lessons on how to be threatening" I whispered into her ear, before I placed my lips against hers and softly kissed her.
She laid against me and leant down, placing her arms on either side of my head and pecked my lips quickly once more before snuggling into me and falling asleep, with my arms wrapped around her.

(A/N) guys ;-;

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