Lily Potter

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, places, etc JK Rowling does.
YAY! I finally updated! (Told you I would tonight)
Anyways, Enjoy the chapter!!! Hope you like it!
Next up we have little Lily Luna Potter. And boy does she live up to her name.

Have you ever been hit by the Bat-Boogey Hex before? Well I have. And you want to know by whom? Yes, it actually was Rose (but that was once), anyway it was little Lily Potter (and I though Rose's hexes were bad). Man that little girl can sure make it hurt real bad (the worst was when I ordered the Slytherin beaters to knock all the Gryffindor players off their brooms!!, but hey, James started doing it first). If you were attending Hogwarts at the time of the golden trio you would know that Ginny Potter (formerly Weasley) did the meanest Bat-Boogey Hex (If you don't believe me ask Jack Smith's dad Zachary Smith) in the family. That skill is genetic. So unless you want bad boogies attacking you non-stop then it would do you good to not insult her. And if you do, let's just say it was nice meeting you. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT underestimate her, she's got a fiery temper, quick wit and she'll have that hex planted on you faster than you can say Quidditch!

So little (and I only call her little, even though she's only 2 years younger than me, cause it makes me feel older, bigger and stronger. Which I am) Lily Potter is our 7th and last Wotter girl. As I said before, this girl may be a Potter by name, but she's 110% pure Weasley.

The long locks of bright red hair match her fiery personality. Striking emerald green eyes pierce you with rage if you get her angry. But if she's not angry, (which is most of the time), her eyes hold the same caring personality of her grandmother Lily Evans. It seems like Rose, Molly and Dominique weren't the only ones who sent guys to the hospital wing daily (might I suggest reserving a bed. Mine is the closest to the window and the farthest from the door.

Now you probably know Ginny Weasley (whether it be because you went to Hogwarts with her, because she married Harry Potter also known as The Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived, etc, or even because she was the star chaser on the professional all girl Quidditch team the Holyhead Harpies). Some of you probably even have posters of her in your bedrooms (don't lie to me, nothing to be ashamed of) or you might even have the limited edition action figure that her brother George Weasley sold at his (and his deceased brother Fred's) joke shop Weasley Wizard Wheezes. And you all know that prey much all the guys at Hogwarts had a crush on her (I'd be willing to give up my broom just to see the look on Ron Weasley's face when she had her first boyfriend). Well anyways Ginny Weasley's killer body (NOT MY WORDS!!!!!!) were definitely passes down to her only daughter. You'll quite often see guys checking her out and watching her arse when she plays Quidditch. She definitely turns heads when she walks down the hallways. It's actually quite funny to see Al growling at your side, muttering threats protectively as he stormes down the hall. It's quite a sight I tell you, if your lucky you might even see Al nail em with a tripping jinx or something.

Now about the personality of our youngest Wotter girl. Her temper of course is a mixture between her parents (she rarely gets angry, but when she does the Weasley in her really shows. And honestly, you should hear that girl yell!!! (All you hear is *SSSSCCCCRRRREEEEAAAAMMMM* and then your like, well I guess Lily's here). Lily is also a very excepting individual (I reckon she gets that from her dad, Al's the same and James........ Well he'll warm up to you in the end. But when James accepts you, he'd be the most loyal person you've ever met!  She is the type of person who would go out of her way to help a lost 1st year, start up a conversation with someone who is labeled as a freak or outsider, who cares religiously about house unity, she's the type of girl who gets up from the Gryffindor table to talk to her Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin friends, who stands up for what's right, who doesn't let other people push her or her loved ones around (family's friends). She's just that kind of girl. It's quite inspiring really.

As all Wotter's are, Lily is brave, loyal and very head strong. Miss Potter is also extraordinarily funny and she's just got a bright personality. Truly lovely to be around and a great person to boost your confidence. Also if you need a tutor, Lily's the right person. She is patient and knows how to explain it well (When I ask Rose for help in a subject all I hear is blah blah blah smart stuff blah blah confusing words blah boring blah blah blah why?).

Lily Potter is, obviously (how could she not be, it runs in her blood) a GREAT Quidditch player. With parents like her's, what else would you expect? She's easily one of the best players on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, it's really fascinating to watch her fly, really graceful. She is the seeker on the team and even being scouted by teams like the Holy Head Harpies, Puddlemere United, Bulgarian team, the Blue Tornados and that one from Ireland, I forget what it's called......... I'll ask James later. He's the biggest Quidditch fanatic I've ever met, he remembers all the rules, team, plays and how to equipment were made (he made the newest/fastest broom yet: the Lightning Star). If only he put as much effort into school work as he did pranks and Quidditch.......

Fact- Lily Potter loves Quidditch almost as much as her brother.

Although Lily doesn't misjudged a book by its cover'. If you want to date her, you have to; a). Know your basic Quidditch facts, b). At least 5 professional Quidditch team and c). How to play Quidditch (even is your not good at it). You have to at least enjoy the game (whether it's playing Quidditch or watching it). You can't expect to be a Wotter or date a Wotter without knowing your basic Quidditch moves, facts, plays and teams. Me? I'm rooting for the Tornados, Al is a religious Puddlemere United fan, Lily- She's rooting for the Harpies, and Ron Weasley?, well....... He's still rooting for the Cannons (The day they win is the day the Malfoy's go broke).

Miss Lily Luna Potter- Quidditch fanatic, charming, friendly, bright, fiery temper and good looking (man she has a nice arse)!

So, fan of Quidditch, not arrogant? Can you withstand her fiery temper? Kind soul? Miss Lily Potter the one your crushing on? Well good luck with that lads, she's a keeper.

Well soldiers, that was the seventh one, the last one. But we're not finished yet. So take time to think about Lily Potter, the chosen ones daughter. Is she the one for you? Well we'll find out!

And I suppose this is out last Wotter girl. But don't worry, you'll get a conclusion/summary/end party or whatever at the end.

Still got those hats? Well I hope so, you'll have to hand them in after you finish your service (You get the keep a badge/metal/pin though).
Who do you think Scorpius should have a crush on?
Update- Next Friday (or sooner)
One more chapter after this!!!! (Duh)

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