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"Tomorrow we will be reviewing non-verbal spells. Remember t-"


Scorpius looked up. Time really flies.......

"Bell!" Albus and Rose yelled in unison, jumpimg out of their seats and rushing out. Scorpius stuffed the quill and list in his bag rather slowly.

Albus and Rose peaked into the room, the former looking a bit antsy and the later looking at him expectantly.

"Lets go Malfoy."

"Yeah we've been in here for hours. No one likes double Charms. Lets go to the lake with the others."

Scorpius sent them a grin and finished packing his bag quicker than before.

As the trio walked down the hallway Al glanced at him and popped the question he was dredding. "What was that thing you were writing there Scorp?" Rose nodded in agreement. Blue and Green eyes starring at him curiously.

"Oh nothing." Scorpius shrugged trying to look cool and contain his blush, while peeking into his bag to make sure the list wasnt sticking out because god forbid Al saw it..... "Just a little list I'm going to throw somewhere later." He could probably turn it into a book and sell it.

"If you say so...." Rose shot Scorpius a confused look. She walked faster to catch up to her best-friend and new Hogwarts Heartbreaker Kenickie Joseph Longbottom aka KJ, causing Scorpius to frown.

Albus looked at him raising an eyebrow. "You were working pretty intensely on that, I've never seen you so focused."

Scorpius shrugged again. "Whatever. Honestly Al, could you go any slower? My grandma walks faster then you and she uses a cane."

"Stop changing the subject." Albus shot Scorpius a cheeky grin "You're just delaying the inevitable."

"What?" Scorpius frowned. What the hell was Potter playing at.

"Oh don't give me that look Scorp, I've been your friend for what. Almost seven years? You think I don't know the look you get when Rose is with other guys. That look my friend, is called jealousy."

"Listen Al. I don't know what the hell is going through your head right now, but it's far from the truth." Scorpius scowled, there was no way he was going down this road with Albus. Once the other Wotter males found out it was only a matter of time before they cornered him and he was scarred for life.....

"Still in denial are we?" Albus elbowed Scorpius in the side teasingly.

"No Al. Me and Rose are friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. Besides, she's annoying as hell. Nagging me about finishing homework. Not to mention, she's a bloody controlist."

"Controlling. She's controlling Scorp, controlist isn't a word." Albus rolled his eyes "You have to get past the little things and look at the bigger picture."

"Which is?" Scorpius raised an eyebrow.

Albus grinned "You my friend, have a crush on Rose!"

"You have a crush on Rose." Scorpius shot back. Only after the words came out of his mouth had he realized how stupid they sounded.

"1. Ew mate, she's my cousin and 2. Very mature Scorp...."

Scorpius scowled, he seemed to be doing that a lot during this conversation.

"You see that Scorp." Albus grabbed his friends chin and turned it towards Rose and KJ "That is Longbottom making his move, and unless you do something about it Rose will be snatched up just like that." Albus snapped his fingers in Scorpius's face. "And if not him, then by someone else. Rose has been getting the guys attention ever since she broke up with what's his face from Hufflepuff.

"Why would I care who she likes let alone date?"

Albus rolled his eyes in exasperation, "Scorp, this little game of denial you and Rose were playing was cute; two months ago. Now it's time for you to actually man-up and make it go somewhere because I sure as hell know that she's not going to ask you out."

"What makes you think that I even see Rose that way?" Scorpius asked harshly.

"Hmm, let's see, last night Rose stayed up late to help you finish your Transfiguration essay."


"Well for one you hate Transfiguration, you always go to bed early on a school night and I know for a fact that you had that essay done a few days ago. Then to top it all off, you gave her a breakfast burrito at breakfast the next morning 'to thank her'.

"Just because I was nice, to my friend, who's a girl, and is smart, and funny, and pretty, and really nice to have around . . . where was I going with this again?" Scorpius asked Albus, he had gotten lost in his own little train of thought.

Albus sighed, "You were telling me that you definitely don't have the hots for Rose. You know, the smart, funny, pretty girl who's nice to be around. Don't worry Scorp, I'm rooting for you. KK is a nice guy but not what Rosie needs, or wants."

Scorpius scowled at the cocky look on Albus's face, "I hate you-"

"Hey Rose," Albus called to her, smiling devilishly.

Rose turned her head to face him, and almost physically recoiled from the puckish smirk that was on his face. She knew that that look, it was the same look James got when he was about to pull a prank, or Dominique when she was meddling in other people's business. This was not going to end well.

Albus looked at her innocently, "Don't look so scared Rosie; I just wanted to know if you were sucessful in helping Scorp finish his Transfiguration essay last night. You know the one you guys were working on late after everyone else went to bed?"

Rose's face flushed red, KJ looked a little sad and Scorpius scowled at Albus. But before one of them could say anything, Anthony Goldstein and Nadia Cassano yelled out and jumped into the lake, fully clothed. Rose squealed as KJ grabbed her and jumped into the lake as well.

Albus gave Scorpius a playful punch on the arm "She would say yes you know."

Albus walked away, leaving Scorpius to stand there in shock, a goofy grin on his face.

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