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chapter one , act one 

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chapter one , act one 

new girls arrival

RHEA ASHWOOD SAT ON her bed, flicking through the pages of her textbook

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RHEA ASHWOOD SAT ON her bed, flicking through the pages of her textbook. It was dark outside, the full moon shining brightly. She was trying to finish her English homework that she had regrettably left to the very last minute. She hummed gently to herself as she scribbled down answers.

She jumped as she heard a loud crash from the hallway. She closed her English book and picked it up, holding it defensively while trying to calm her racing heart. She slowly stood up and creeped to right behind her open door. She could her whispers from down the hallways, as the intruders swore at each other.

As the footsteps grew closer to her room, she raised the hardback book. Stiles let out a shout as the book made contact with his face.

Rhea pulled away when she recognised him. "Oh shit, I'm sorry!"

The boy rubbed his head. "Wow, Rhi, you have a really strong hit."

"You're the one sneaking into my house!"

"You weren't answering you phone!"

"There's this thing called a doorbell, you dipshit!"

The third member of their trio, just laughed at the two.

Scott McCall. The boy who had a hold on Rhea Ashwood's heart. It's not like the two had any history together, but ever since they had become friends in 5th grade, she couldn't help but slowly fall in love with him. He lived across the road from her, and as stupid as it sounded, she would always bake things to give to his mother, at the hopes her would answer the door.

He looked good, with his long, fluffy hair and hazel eyes. He gave her a smile in greeting that made her heart flutter. She smiled back, ignoring Stiles who was grumbling about his head.

"Wait- why the hell are you even here?" Rhea asked, snapping back to reality.

Scott sighed, turning to the other boy. "Stiles wants to go hunting for a dead body."

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