ii: the party

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act one , chapter 2

the party

RHEA LEFT CLASS IN a hurry, needing to get away from Scott

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RHEA LEFT CLASS IN a hurry, needing to get away from Scott. She hurried over to her locker and kneeled down, grabbing her books and pushing them into her bag. She heard footsteps behind her and turned to see Allison Argent approaching her. The brunette offered her a sweet smile, for which Rhea forced one in return. She slammed the locker door shut, before standing up just to see Scott and Allison stare at each other, with growing emotion in their eyes. The blonde swallowed the twisting feeling in her gut and turned away, straight into a mane of strawberry blonde hair.

Lydia Martin threw her arms around the girl, squealing. "Rhi Rhi! I've haven't seen you since before the break, how are you?"

Rhea smiled, hugging her friend back. Her and Lydia were close, being the two smartest girls in their year ( not that Lydia ever showed it) often studied together and Lydia was the person Rhea went to when the boys got too much. "I'm okay."

Lydia pulled away, smiling, buying the lie. Then she turned to the brunette beside them. "That jacket is absolutely killer. Where'd you get it?"

Allison shrugged, playing with the straps on her bag. "My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco."

Lydia smirked, pointing a perfectly done nail at the new student. "And you are my new best friend. Sorry Rhi Rhi."

Rhea forced another smile, as if the joke hadn't felt like a knife to the chest. She was already loosing Scott to Allison, now Lydia too?

Just then, Jackson, Lydia's boyfriend, strolled over to them as well. Lydia greeted him warmly as he put his arm around her waist, making Rhea roll her eyes in disgust. "Ew," she muttered, taking a step back.

"Hey," Jackson said, shooting Rhea his usual glare.

"Hey, Jackson." Lydia smiled, tugging her boyfriend into a kiss. Rhea cringed, looking away in disgust. She put up with Jackson occasionally, mainly for Lydia's sake then any other reason. Jackson was an ass and everyone knew it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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