Before the Concert (Part One)

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"Oh, man I can't wait for this!" Aislyn shouted to her two best friends, Juliette and Tanner. They both nodded in agreement. The three had recently bought tickets to a Panic! at the Disco concert. They had always shared a love for the band and were finally old enough to see them live.

"Ugh, this line is long as crap, but it'll all be worth it!" Juliette jumped up and down wildly, as if she had had ants crawling up her back. Tanner was looking in the distance at something that seemed to really grasp his attention. Aislyn and Juliette followed his eyes and theirs widened.

"Holy crap!" Aislyn uttered. The three were staring at a fellow emo teen with black, wavy hair and a silver lip ring that shone in the moonlight. Clearly, they were all smitten with his attractive stance and attitude. They moved up in the line, making sure not to let him leave their sight.

The line was now halfway to the doors, and the mysterious lip ring guy was only a couple people in front of them. "OK, we need a code name," muttered Tanner, always being the weird one to say things like that. "Like what?" asked Juliette. Tanner and Aislyn thought about it.

"How about Hot Lip Ring Guy, or HLRG for short?" Aislyn suggested. The other two nodded in agreement. The line was slowly moving forward and their passion for talking to him was slowly moving higher. After 20 minutes of awkward whispering and staring, he looked back at the three.

The Guy with the Lip RingWhere stories live. Discover now