During the Concert (Part Two)

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"Miss Jackson, Miss Jackson, Miss Jackson!" Brendan Urie sang, doing a back-flip off the drum set. Aislyn, Tanner and Juliette were all dancing and singing along. A few feet away was the crush, also dancing and singing. After the song was over, he inched towards the three.

"HLRG alert!" Juliette whisper-shouted. Tanner and Aislyn started to converse with Juliette about emotionally unstable animals. The guy walked over to them and tapped Tanner on the shoulder, causing him to jump in surprise and step on the guy's foot. He cursed and started to laugh.

"Oh crap, sorry," he said to Tanner. Tanner smiled and responded, "Sorry also," his voice cracked. He tapped Aislyn and she took over. "Uh, h-hey there," she stuttered. The guy laughed. "Dudes, chill, I'm not gonna kill you or anything," he said. "I saw you in line and you all seemed cool." Juliette responded. "Ha ha, thanks," she said and smiled a flirty smile. The guy giggled and rubbed his nose. "Hey, can I hang with you? I'm alone and want some friends," he smiled at them. "I'm Brandon."




"Sweet," Brandon said. They all danced and sang together until the concert was halfway over and Brendan Urie was talking about 'Positive Hardcore Thursday'. Then he started to do a cover of Bohemian Rhapsody and Tanner started to sing along. Brandon suddenly joined in and Aislyn and Juliette did not (they didn't know the song by heart). Brandon then put his arm around Tanner and his other arm around the girls.

All three exchanged glances and could feel their hearts pounding. Their brand-new crush was treating them like old friends. They didn't realize yet that their new friendship would only grow. The concert went on for another hour until it came to a close with 'I Write Sins not Tragedies'.

The four walked out and started to go their separate ways but Brandon stopped them. "Hey, you forgot to give me all your numbers," he randomly said to them. They all exchanged glances again, then gladly gave him their numbers. He winked and said, "Alright, text you all later!" he waved and they waved back.

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