Where am I.. or.. WHO am I..?

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"I'm really tired. I should go to sleep. It's really late." I thought to myself.

I couldn't fall asleep for another hour or two. Time was going by so slowly. I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up in someone else's body... This wasn't me.

"Mommy, why did you stop telling the story?" I heard a little voice in front of me. I looked down.. It.. It was a child. She looked really young. Around four or five I'd say.

"Mommy?" I snapped back when I heard her voice. I was pretty sure I was lucid dreaming.

She was looking at me with the prettiest blue eyes I ever saw. "Uh.. Yes love? What's wrong?" I asked, not knowing what happened.

"Can you continue with the story?"
"Oh, um, sure hunny. Do you remember how the story went?"
"Yea mommy." She whispered. "We have to be really quiet tho, you know what father did to you last time you were loud.."

I had no idea who that was. I looked around and it seemed we were in a castle of some sort. Either a castle or a huge house.

"Mommy just has to go to the restroom, okay sweetheart?"
"Okay mommy, I'll wait here and watch Rosie!"

*Rosie? Who is Rosie?*
I went to the bathroom, all confused.
*I have a husband? And.. a kid? And who is Rosie?
I might even have two daughters.. Rosie and that little girl. God, I'm so freaking confused! I can't figure out anything!*

"Mommy, are you in there?" I heard that little girl again.
"Yea sweetheart, do you need something?" I asked, kinda whispering. Since she told me about her father, I was a little scared of raising my voice even a tiny bit.

"Rosie woke up, I don't know how to get her to sleep again. Could you help me mommy?"

*Rosie sounds like a baby name.. I've never put a baby to sleep, I'm an only child for God's sake!*

"Please mommy, if father hears her, he'll hurt Rosie and you! I don't want that to happen!"

* ' hurt'? He's... abusive? I have to go help those poor children!*

"I'm going sweetheart, just a second!"

I ran outside, grabbed the girl and went to the children's room. Rosie was a baby! Barely a year old. I don't even think she said her first words yet.

Part two is coming soon!

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