♡Chapter Six♡

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It should be noted that the Duke has been overheard announcing to mamas everywhere that he has no Plans of EVER marrying

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It should be noted that the Duke
has been overheard announcing to
mamas everywhere that he has no
Plans of EVER marrying.

This author wonders which brazen
matchmaker shall rise to such a
challenge? For this competition
is certainly well underway

It has reached my ears that the
betting books at White's propose
the most fascinating of pairings
this season

If one is to trust these accounts,
despite the fact they are all
written by men, then Mister Colin
Bridgerton shall be awarded the
year's grand prize when he sweeps
Miss Thompson from her pretty
little slippered feet

In other news, a most peculiar
suitor for Miss Daphne Bridgerton
has emerged

Though this miss cannot possibly
believe that the town idiot will
be able to reverse her rather
dire circumstances, can she?

We must not forget her makes the princess of genovia too. It is heard her brother drove away most suitors who even looked at her funny. Let that not  deteriorate any elegable gentalmen. It had been said she is looking for the one to sweep her off her feet.

hat one sentence in lady whistledowns gossip sheet about the Duke. I wouldn't say I was disappointed. More like... Okey maybe I'm disappointed.

I could care less what she writes about me. Though it seems not bad. Maybe the encouraging men part but other then that I got off cleaner then most people. Not like poor Daphne.

Anyways if that is the dukes personal preference then so be it. I barley even knew him anyways. There are plenty of other fine gentlemen out there Alycia. He's one of many. He was very handsome though.

"Cia dear are you ready to go to the play?" Let's yelled from out the room.

Grabbing my handbag I check myself over once more and walked out the room.

"How do I look?" I dont need validation but I do want to look pretty for an outing.

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